Butter Coffee Recipe that's Better than Bulletproof (2024)

I stumble out of bed in the morning and instantly mutter the same words over and over again. “Butter. Coffee. Need butter coffee. Butter coffee now.”

Butter Coffee Recipe that's Better than Bulletproof (1)

Yes.Butter coffee.I literally put butter in my coffee.

But My Butter Coffee Recipe is the BEST

Butter Coffee Recipe that's Better than Bulletproof (2)

I first heard about butter coffee from a paleo friend a couple years ago. Always looking to incorporate more protein into her diet to keep her metabolism going full-speed, she started drinking butter coffee on the advice of a nutritionist.

Butter Coffee Recipe that's Better than Bulletproof (3)

The Beginnings of Butter Coffee

Many people who drink butter coffee are snobs about how their coffee bean is sourced, what sort of butter to use, purists about coconut oil growing, and on and on. I've tried all the really fancy specialty coffees but I always come back to my old favorite. Starbucks brewed coffee isfamiliar frommy Seattleroots, it's hella convenient and it's just gosh darn delicious. If it's not your thing, let's justagree to disagree on that point.

Butter Coffee Recipe that's Better than Bulletproof (4)

The Butter is Essential, Obviously

As far as the butter, I use Kerrygold regular old salted butter. You can also use unsalted butter. Grassfed butter is definitely better than regular butter because it has vitamin K that the cows get fromfrom grazing on all that grass. Vitamin K helps clear out your arteries so that the healthy fat found in butter can easily movethroughout your body. Some people prefer the unsalted kind found in the silver package, but I honestly prefer my regular gold sticks because I think my butter coffee winds up tasting like a salted caramel latte that way.


Butter Coffee Recipe that's Better than Bulletproof (5)

A lot of people call my butter coffee a bulletproof coffee recipe. I've been making this since before that company and trend went wild, and my cup of coffee is very different because of the addition of extra flavorings and spices that I personally think makes it tastier and easier to ingest every morning! I also like to incorporate the french press into my creations. No idea if that's part of their usual schtick.

Also, every single time I hear them say that I can't get the David Guetta song out of my head.

Butter Coffee Recipe that's Better than Bulletproof (6)

I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose. Fire away, fire away. Ricochet, you take your aim.

Don't Settle for Less

Butter coffee really does make you feel invincible. It sounds strange, but I truly believe that all that healthy fat is good for your brain. And raw honey has been proven to battle cancer with its dozens of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, antioxidants and phytonutrients. Yes, you SHOULD buy the raw stuff because much of the honey sold in stores is thinned down with high fructose corn syrup. Don't settle for knockoffs where that's concerned. And don't miss out on how to make the very best black coffee so you get a great start in that regard, too.

Butter Coffee Recipe that's Better than Bulletproof (7)

Blend, Blend, Blend

The real key is in getting one of those milk frothers or using an immersion blender, Blendtec…heck, even a food processor will work. Our favorite milk frother is this one by Elementi – I love that it has a stand! However you do it, you just want to get all those ingredients spinning as fast as possible to incorporate into a smooth, rich, creamy butter coffee.

Butter Coffee Recipe that's Better than Bulletproof (8)

Pin this butter coffee recipe for later! Looking for more fun stuff to do with coffee? Don't miss our cold brew recipe and coffee beef, too!

Yield: 1 cup

Butter Coffee

Butter Coffee Recipe that's Better than Bulletproof (9)

Yes.Butter coffee.I literally put butterinmy coffee.

Prep Time5 minutes

Total Time5 minutes


  • 1 8-ounce cup coffee
  • 1 Tbsp grassfed butter
  • 1 Tbsp cashew milk
  • 1 Tbsp raw, organic honey
  • 1 tsp coconut oil or MCT Oil
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract


  1. Blend well. Serve hot.

Nutrition Information:



Serving Size:

1 cup

Amount Per Serving:Calories: 345Total Fat: 30gSaturated Fat: 22gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 5gCholesterol: 31mgSodium: 97mgCarbohydrates: 18gFiber: 0gSugar: 18gProtein: 1g

What is Keto Coffee?

Butter coffee is known to be a quintessential part of the keto diet. Keto coffee is said to help with energy levels and help you lose weight. I find that butter coffee helps me feel full, which has aided in my own weight loss journey. I count my macros and am not strictly keto, but I have found that butter and MCT oil are the keto dieter's holy grail of medium chain triglycerides with healthy, high fat levels that help stabilize blood sugar and come with a ton of other known health benefits. Just leave the honey out to make this totally keto friendly!

Do you drink butter coffee? What's your favorite addition?

Butter Coffee Recipe that's Better than Bulletproof (2024)


Is bulletproof coffee better with ghee or grass-fed butter? ›

Ghee is the perfect butter substitute for any recipe. From Bulletproof Coffee to your favorite cookie recipe, ghee is a great 1:1 butter replacement.

What is the best grass-fed butter for coffee? ›

Kerrygold unsalted butter is the gold standard in the butter coffee community, both because of the grass-fed cows that produce it, and for its high butterfat content.

What is the best fat to put in coffee? ›

Healthy fats you can add to your coffee are found in items such as grass-fed butter or ghee, as well as MCT oil or coconut oil, coconut cream, and full fat cream or dairy from healthy, grass-fed cows (if you lean towards the Primal side).

What butter is best for coffee? ›

You can also use unsalted butter. Grassfed butter is definitely better than regular butter because it has vitamin K that the cows get from from grazing on all that grass. Vitamin K helps clear out your arteries so that the healthy fat found in butter can easily move throughout your body.

Which is healthier grass-fed butter or ghee? ›

The takeaway. If you're only looking at calories and fat intake, it doesn't matter whether you choose ghee or butter. Their nutritional profiles are almost identical. But removing the milk from ghee does offer additional benefits, namely the absence of lactose and the higher smoke point.

Does coffee with ghee reduce belly fat? ›

Ghee helps in losing weight by boosting your digestion. Coffee and ghee together reduce hunger and lessen food intake, resulting in weight loss.

How much grass-fed butter should I put in my coffee? ›

Coffee. 1 tsp - 2 tbsp MCT (Medium-chain triglycerides) oil. 1-2 tbsp grass-fed unsalted butter.

What brands of butter are 100% grass fed? ›

In alphabetical order, here are the 12 best grass fed butters:
  • Clover Sonoma. Clover Sonoma originates back to 1916 when their milk was bottled and distributed by the Petaluma Cooperative Creamery. ...
  • Kalona SuperNatural. ...
  • Kerrygold. ...
  • Lewis Road Creamery. ...
  • Maple Hill. ...
  • Minerva Dairy. ...
  • Nellie's. ...
  • Organic Valley.
Jun 20, 2023

What do you put in coffee to lose belly fat? ›

Fat-burning coffee-infused drinks are a great way to help you lose weight while still enjoying your daily caffeine fix. By adding ingredients like coconut oil, MCT oil, green tea extract, and cinnamon to your coffee, you can create a drink that not only tastes great but also helps you burn fat.

Which coffee is best for losing belly fat? ›

Black Coffee With Cinnamon

Thanks to its high fiber content, this spice is prized for its medicinal and weight-loss properties. It can also help speed up metabolism. To enjoy the fat-burning effects of cinnamon black coffee, add a small cinnamon stick or one teaspoon of cinnamon powder to your black coffee.

What is butter coffee called? ›

Bulletproof coffee, also known as butter coffee, is a high-calorie caffeinated drink made with added fat. It is intended to fuel start your day by replacing carb-heavy breakfasts.

Is bulletproof coffee butter? ›

Bulletproof Coffee, aka butter coffee or keto coffee, is a blend of high-quality coffee, MCT oil, and grass-fed ghee (or butter) that offers sustained energy, increased satiety and cognitive function support.

Is butter good for bulletproof coffee? ›

Bulletproof coffee calls for unsalted, grass-fed butter or ghee and medium-chain triglyceride oil (MCT) oil added to low-toxicity coffee beans. No doubt it's an interesting flavor, but it's the possibility of increased energy and weight loss that give traction to this morning jolt.

What does ghee do in bulletproof coffee? ›

Some people believe ghee, which is rich in calcium, can neutralise the acidic bite of coffee if had early morning on an empty stomach. Ghee, while being a saturated fat, is also a repository of fats like omega 3, 6, and 9 besides being rich in micronutrients.

Is ghee butter good in coffee? ›

Consuming ghee in coffee can help support bone health and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. It is important to note that while coffee and ghee can have some health benefits, the best way to consume them is as part of a balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrient-dense foods.

Is grass-fed butter good in coffee? ›

Weight loss: The combination of grass-fed butter and MCT oil in butter coffee can also promote weight loss by curbing cravings, increasing satiety, and encouraging the body to burn fat for fuel. This can lead to a reduction in overall calorie intake and an increase in metabolism.


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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

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Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.