Homemade Goat Milk Soap Recipe For Beginners - Get Stunning Results (2024)

Homemade Goat Milk Soap Recipe For Beginners - Get Stunning Results (1)

Having been a soap maker for quite a few years now, I have discovered this secret almost by accident and now make wonderfully luxurious cream colored goat’s milk soap. Using this secret disclosed in the homemade goat milk soap recipe for beginners, you will be making great soap for your family and friends too, with very little headache.

Easy To Find Ingredients

Most of these ingredients can be purchased at your local grocery or health food store, except for the lye (sodium hydroxide) that will need to come from an online source probably Amazon. You can get smaller quantities from them and it is shipped without hassle for a reasonable price. It is hard to keep 50 pounds of lye around if you aren’t making soap in large quantities. 50 Pounds is the quantity sold most commonly by soap maker supply companies.

What you need to make Goats Milk Soap For Beginners

As far as utensils go; it really depends on how much soap you plan to make. This recipe will make about three pounds of soap – enough to cover the bottom of a Campbell’s soup box (you know the cardboard that holds a case of soup). If you cut it in half then you could make 8 bars in soap molds.

I like to use an enamel pot that has high sides. I melt the solid oils together first over low, then add the olive oil so cool the oils down to 100degrees. And then when I mix the lye solution in I’m less likely to splash the mixture on myself. (Vinegar is the neutralizing agent for lye – keep it out and handy if you get some lye or lye mixture on you, douse with vinegar and it will stop the burning).

Though you may be tempted to make this without safety glasses, refrain. Wear those glasses! And gloves. Wear gloves.

Okay, enough on the safety warnings. I’m sure you have your own mother to mutter these little warnings to you so you don’t need me.

I have a plastic pitcher, a wooden spoon and a separate little glass container that I use for all things lye related. You can get all of the supplies you need to make soap here

Here is the list:

  • An enamel or stainless steel pot (it doesn’t have to be real big)
  • 1 plastic pitcher
  • 2 wooden spoons
  • 1 stick blender (doesn’t really need to be dedicated to making soap, but be sure to wash it well)
  • 1 kitchen scale (the balance scales work okay for this recipe, you will need a serious scale for most soap recipes though)
  • 2 glass thermometers
  • safety glasses
  • plastic gloves
  • vinegar on hand
  • a big plastic or glass bowl to set your lye mixture pitcher in.

That is it!

This is the homemade goat milk soap recipe for beginners:

  • 18 oz slushy goat’s milk – This can be from the grocery store, from a friend, from your goat, or powered that has been reconstituted. It also needs to be partially frozen for best results.
  • 6 oz water
  • 6 oz lye (sodium hydroxide)
  • 10 oz coconut oil
  • 24 oz of shortening or lard
  • 9 oz olive oil

That is it!

Homemade Goat Milk Soap Recipe For Beginners - Get Stunning Results (2)

Here is the secret to getting cream colored goat’s milk soap

Rather than the orange/brown stuff that most beginners end up with. The reason goat’s milk soap turns brown is because the lye causes the milk solids to burn. The way around that problem is to mix the lye with water first, then mix the lye into the oils and then add the milk.

Another important point is that you want your lye solution and your oil to be about the same temperature and that temperature needs to be 100 degrees. It does make a difference.

I like to mix my lye solution over an ice bath. So I put the pitcher in a big bowl full of ice, mix the lye into the water s l o w l y so it doesn’t explode and then drop ice cubes down into the solution to get it to cool down quicker. I’m so not the patient type.

Here are the steps to the Homemade Goat Milk Soap Recipe for Beginners:

  • Heat the coconut oil and shortening/lard until it melts in the big pot. Take it off the heat and add olive oil. Set aside to cool.
  • Put on your safety glasses and gloves
  • Put the pitcher in the ice bath add the water and then the lye to the water.
  • Once both are the same temperature, 100 degrees, mix the lye into the oils (DO NOT DO THIS THE OTHER WAY AROUND )
  • Add the milk.
  • Use the stick blender to mix and blend. Do this in pulses of 20 seconds or you will burn out your blender. Between pulses stir with the blender.
  • When the concoction traces it will look like vanilla pudding. Trace just means that it hold the shape of a swirl, like, as I said, vanilla pudding.
Homemade Goat Milk Soap Recipe For Beginners - Get Stunning Results (3)

Once it begins to trace add your essential oil and extra stuff. I like to use lavender oil and lavender bits, but you can add almost anything. If you are planning to add oatmeal, you need to grind it up first. Take it from me, the whole oats things doesn’t work so well, I know, I’ve tried it.

Adding Stuff To Your Soap

When it comes to adding essential oils, I only add a few drops. For honey/oatmeal soap, I add about 1/4 cup of honey and a cup of oats. Also I have found that sandalwood oil can cause your soap to seize. (turns hard really fast) so go slow when adding that.

Make sure that you have lined your cardboard molds with wax paper before you start if you are planning to use cardboard molds. Pour your mixture into the mold after it has traced and you’ve added all your stuff and made sure it traced again.

Before you Cut Your Soap

Let the soap sit in the mold for 24 hours – it will harden up. You then want to dump it out and cut it into the shapes you want. Let it cure for at least 2-3 weeks before using. Enjoy!

The whole process shouldn’t take you more than maybe an hour from start to finish.

If you have questions ask them below, I follow this blog pretty closely and love to help new soap makers get started!

Homemade Goat Milk Soap Recipe For Beginners - Get Stunning Results (4)scaleClick HereHomemade Goat Milk Soap Recipe For Beginners - Get Stunning Results (5)lyeClick HereHomemade Goat Milk Soap Recipe For Beginners - Get Stunning Results (6)enamel potClick HereHomemade Goat Milk Soap Recipe For Beginners - Get Stunning Results (7)high side enamel potClick HereHomemade Goat Milk Soap Recipe For Beginners - Get Stunning Results (8)thermometerClick HereHomemade Goat Milk Soap Recipe For Beginners - Get Stunning Results (9)plastic pitcherClick HereHomemade Goat Milk Soap Recipe For Beginners - Get Stunning Results (10)wooden spponsClick HereHomemade Goat Milk Soap Recipe For Beginners - Get Stunning Results (11)powdered goats milkClick HereHomemade Goat Milk Soap Recipe For Beginners - Get Stunning Results (12)coconut oilClick HereHomemade Goat Milk Soap Recipe For Beginners - Get Stunning Results (13)olive oilClick HereHomemade Goat Milk Soap Recipe For Beginners - Get Stunning Results (14)essential oilsClick HereHomemade Goat Milk Soap Recipe For Beginners - Get Stunning Results (15)soap moldClick HereHomemade Goat Milk Soap Recipe For Beginners - Get Stunning Results (16)soap moldClick HereHomemade Goat Milk Soap Recipe For Beginners - Get Stunning Results (17)soap moldClick Here

Don’t forget to grab your copy of The Soap Maker’s Journal so that you can keep your recipes in one place. Every time I make soap I always do something a little different. Recording the adjustments in this journal allows me to repeat success and avoid repeating unwanted results.

Homemade Goat Milk Soap Recipe For Beginners - Get Stunning Results (18)


  1. Homemade Goat Milk Soap Recipe For Beginners - Get Stunning Results (19)

    Kathy Brower on June 6, 2016 at 8:51 pm

    Does it matter what temp you store the soap bars at?

    • Homemade Goat Milk Soap Recipe For Beginners - Get Stunning Results (20)

      Nana on June 10, 2016 at 2:53 pm

      I just store mine at room temperature, which in my house is around 65-70ish. You might store in the basem*nt if you have one – it is cooler in the summer.

  2. Homemade Goat Milk Soap Recipe For Beginners - Get Stunning Results (21)

    Colleen Welch on July 10, 2016 at 12:26 am

    Hi Nana this is my first time making goat soap and I was going to buy the rectangle soap mold that holds 6 bars at a time. how many molds should I buy so I don’t have left over soap going to waste?

    • Homemade Goat Milk Soap Recipe For Beginners - Get Stunning Results (22)

      Nana on July 13, 2016 at 9:29 pm

      If you are using the recipe here for easy goat milk soap I usually make it in campbells soup boxes (the kind of box you get when you pick up a flat of soup when you buy it in bulk) I just line it with wax paper. I think you will need 3 molds that hold 6 bars each to make this without having any left over. Without seeing the mold you are talking about it is kind of hard to judge. The recipe will make about 3lbs of soap. Hope that helps

  3. Homemade Goat Milk Soap Recipe For Beginners - Get Stunning Results (23)

    Ann Dorward on July 20, 2016 at 12:20 pm

    I noticed a large canner as part of the equipment. By my calculations the recipe has approximately a total of 1 qt of liquids. Why such a large vessel for the ingredients? Also, I’m confused on step 4. When both are 100 degrees? What is both? The ice water bath and the water/lye? I have a tendency to over think things – bare with me. I have 14-16 gallons of goat milk in the freezer and need to do more than just cheese making. Thank you in advance for your assistance.

    • Homemade Goat Milk Soap Recipe For Beginners - Get Stunning Results (24)

      Nana on July 20, 2016 at 1:02 pm

      You are correct about the “over size” on the canner. I’m not a real detail oriented person for the most part. I like having deep sides so that I don’t splash the liquid outside the container, even accidentally. I’ve seen soap made in a large measuring glass using a microwave. If I tried that I’d for sure have caustic material spread between here and eternity. (you should see when I make frosting – powdered sugar and butter – everywhere LOL)

      On step 4 the “both” refers to the oils and the water/lye material. It is easy to heat those oils up past 100 if, again, you are not a detail oriented person.

      You can easily double or even quadruple this recipe, then you might pour off smaller quantities from the main pot before mixing in your essential oils & extra stuff. I would trace the soap poured off in the smaller container. It is hard to transfer the soap twice after tracing it. So use your stick blender to get the soap thickish then pour into smaller containers to add & trace then pour into your molds.

      Hope this help – have fun!

  4. Homemade Goat Milk Soap Recipe For Beginners - Get Stunning Results (25)

    Jen on August 2, 2016 at 8:55 pm

    Did you use distilled water for this recipe, I made it with regular tap water and didn’t realize most people use distilled for soapmaking. This was my first batch.

    • Homemade Goat Milk Soap Recipe For Beginners - Get Stunning Results (26)

      Nana on August 8, 2016 at 5:22 pm

      I don’t use distilled water when I make soap because the water we get out of the tap is well or spring water. (One of the percs of country living LOL)


  1. How To Milk A Goat Without A Stand - […] seven is to either refrigerate your milk or freeze it our make soap with it or cheese or lotion.…
  2. New Soap Recipes 2015-01-05 - LatherLass - […] Milk Soap Recipe from SuperSoapMaking Goat Milk Soap Recipe Creating the Perfect Basic Bar Homemade Goat Milk Soap Recipe…
Homemade Goat Milk Soap Recipe For Beginners - Get Stunning Results (2024)


How do you make goat milk soap for beginners? ›

The typical method is to freeze all of the goat milk into ice cubes, sprinkle the lye onto them, and allow the lye and frozen milk to slowly melt, dissolve, and blend. Then, make soap with it once the milk-lye-solution is around 90-100°F (32-38°C).

How long does goat milk soap take to lighten skin? ›

You can start by washing your face with a simple bar of goat milk soap each morning and night. It's important to remember that, as with anything, consistency is key and if you truly want to see results for lightening your skin with goat's milk, you'll need to stick with it for a minimum of 3-4 weeks!

What are the best goats for milk to make soap? ›

There are many breeds, but only a handful are commonly considered the best goats for milk — such as Alpine, Saanen, Oberhasli, and Toggenburg goats that originated in the Swiss mountains.

What to add to goat milk soap base? ›

In this case, we used an organic goat's milk soap base to create a rich and creamy final soap! Mixed with oatmeal, chamomile, honey, and the scent of sweet almonds this makes a perfect warm and cozy scent combination!

Do you need lye for goat milk soap? ›

No lye = no soap. That's right, there is no such thing as true soap-making without lye. Other cleaning products, like detergent, can be made without lye. Even goat milk liquid soap uses potassium hydroxide (a form of lye) instead of the sodium hydroxide (lye) that is used to make bar-soap.

What makes goat milk soap lather? ›

By using goat's milk instead of water to create the lye, you add an abundance of saturated and unsaturated fats to the soap. The saturated fats increase the soap's lather, and the unsaturated fats enhance its nourishing and moisturizing properties.

What is the best oil for goat milk soap? ›

Coconut oil is a popular ingredient in goat milk soap recipes because it lathers quickly and produces more bubbles than other oils.

Can you use store bought goats milk to make soap? ›

One of our favourite uses for our goat's milk, other than cheese, is to make goat's milk soap. Great for people with dry skin, this soap is easy to make and makes a wonderful gift. It is just as easy to make with shop bought goat's milk, so no need to buy a goat (though you may want to!!)

Is shea butter or goats milk soap better? ›

Goat milk, unlike shea butter, has lactic acid that acts as a natural exfoliant to leave skin bright, smooth, and restored. Though goat milk has good amounts of fat, protein, and vitamins, shea butter is an even richer source of fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals to nourish the skin and help repair damage.

What are the disadvantages of goat milk soap base? ›

Side effects of using goat milk soap include:
  • Sudden development of allergy to goat's milk: You may be enjoying goat cheese for many years and suddenly you may develop an allergic reaction as you consume it. ...
  • Not suitable if you are allergic to dairy products:
Aug 12, 2022

How much honey do you put in goat milk soap? ›

  1. 600g goats milk soap base (1.3 lbs)
  2. 3 tablespoons creamed honey, such as Langnese Landhonig.
  3. 1/4 teaspoon honey fragrance oil.
  4. 12 drops yellow soap colouring.
  5. molds of your choice, I used these.
  6. rubbing alcohol.
Nov 12, 2019

Does goat milk soap base go bad? ›

Properly made goat milk soap can be kept indefinitely without going bad. Soap, much like wine, gets better with age. Simply store out of direct sunlight, in a place that is neither too hot, too cold nor too humid. Doing so, will allow your soap to be kept for years.

How long does homemade goat milk soap last? ›

Properly made goat milk soap can be kept indefinitely without going bad. Soap, much like wine, gets better with age. Simply store out of direct sunlight, in a place that is neither too hot, too cold nor too humid. Doing so, will allow your soap to be kept for years.

How many bars of soap does a gallon of goat milk make? ›

For instance, a gallon of raw goat milk is worth $3.20, but converting it into 16 ounces of goat cheese raises the selling price to $16. Similarly, one gallon of raw goat milk can produce 80 bars of goat milk soap that retails for $320.

Can you make soap without lye? ›

NO, chemically-speaking, soap itself cannot be made without lye.

How to make soap step by step? ›

To make soap at home:
  1. Mix lye with water (always add lye to water, not the other way around).
  2. Melt and combine your chosen oils.
  3. Slowly mix the lye solution with the oils.
  4. Add fragrances or additives if desired.
  5. Pour the mixture into molds and let it set.
Mar 28, 2024


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