Marvel To Publish "What If Donald Duck Was Wolverine?" Comic (2024)

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Posted in: Comics, Comics Publishers, Current News, Marvel Comics, X-Men | Tagged: donald duck, italy, wolverine

Marvel and Disney are to publish their first "What If... Donald Duck Was Wolverine?" comic book in July 2024.


by Rich Johnston



Article Summary

  • Marvel and Disney announce a new comic "What If Donald Duck Was Wolverine?".
  • Italian creators Luca Barbieri and Giada Perissinotto are behind this unique mashup.
  • The story draws inspiration from "Old Man Logan" and features iconic Disney/Marvel crossovers.
  • Variant covers by artists Ron Lim, Peach Momoko, and Phil Noto to celebrate the launch.

When Disney bought Marvel Comics, this was the kind of project that was joked about but Disney and Marvel promised would never actually happen. But now it has. Announced this week at the Bologna Children's Book Fair in Italy, this first-of-its-kind one-shot by Italian Disnet comic book creator Luca Barbieri and Giada Perissinotto, Marvel & Disney: What If…? Donald Became Wolverine #1 for th 90th anniversary of Donald Duck and the 50th anniversary of Wolverine, following the What If…? Disney Variant Covers and the upcoming Uncle Scrooge and the Infinity Dime #1 out this June. Marvel promises more to come.

"The comic will introduce Donald-Wolverine along with all sorts of reimagined Disney and Marvel mashups in a wild adventure inspired by one of Wolverine's most memorable story arcs, Old Man Logan. In addition, the saga will revisit some of the greatest moments in Donald-Wolverine's history including his time spent with Weapon X and the Uncanny X-Men! Travel to the near future where chaos rules as Pete-Skull transforms Duckburg into a super-hero-less wasteland. Only Old Donald Duck can turn the tide, but he's given up his battling days and prefers naps and his grandma's apple pie over fighting villains. But when Mickey-Hawkeye comes knocking at the door with Goofy-Hulk at his side, Wolverine-Donald has to make a choice! Will a trip down memory lane change his mind to save the world? Or will the lure of the backyard hammock and a long nap keep him from popping his claws one last time?"

"On merging these two icons, Barbieri said, "Donald Duck and Wolverine are two characters that seem almost impossible to make coexist, but in fact they possess very similar personality: they are both hot-tempered and unlucky, but in adversity they do not lose heart and always show that they have a big heart! Once this point was focused, writing the story turned out to be easy and fun!.. I always thought Wolverine's sideburns only looked good on Uncle Scrooge, but when I drew them on Donald Duck I realized they fit him perfectly too!" Perissinotto added. "Those pointy head tufts and thick sideburns go well with his shaggy being. I had so much fun adapting Wolverine's hair to Donald Duck that I would do him like this all the time now!"

Variant Cover by RON LIM
Varint Cover by PEACH MOMOKO
Variant Cover by PHIL NOTO
On Sale 7/31

Marvel To Publish "What If Donald Duck Was Wolverine?" Comic (9)

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Marvel To Publish "What If Donald Duck Was Wolverine?" Comic (10)About Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.

Marvel To Publish "What If Donald Duck Was Wolverine?" Comic (11)Marvel To Publish "What If Donald Duck Was Wolverine?" Comic (12)Marvel To Publish "What If Donald Duck Was Wolverine?" Comic (13)Marvel To Publish "What If Donald Duck Was Wolverine?" Comic (14)

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Marvel To Publish "What If Donald Duck Was Wolverine?" Comic (2024)


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