Natsu Dragneel the Dual Dragon Slayer - Chapter 10 - JTZ29 (2024)

Chapter Text

(2 Days After the Lullaby Incident)

"Even if Eisenwald has been defeated, the main problem hasn't been solved yet. There are still tons of dark guilds still in existence." Magic Council member, Belno, said as she turned to her fellow council members. All of the Magical Council members were gathered around a large round table, and were discussing recent events.

"We should root them all out together." Michello suggested, earning a sigh from Yajima.

"And how do you suggest we do that, Michello?" Yajima asked in a tired tone.

"It's unacceptable for any wizard to embezzle Zeref's dark magic." Org said, as he held up Lullaby. "We cannot allow something like this to happen again."

"How could have Eisenwald attained such dark magic anyways?" Cran Doma asked his fellow council members. "Security must be increased around evil magic like this."

"Good thing Fairy Tail, the guild you all are annoyed by, showed up to save the day." Siegrain said with a smirk, as he leaned back in his chair.

"They managed to take out an entire dark guild with only four mages." Ultear added with a small smile. "One of their mages, Natsu Dragneel, managed to defeat Erigor almost without injury." All the other council members grumbled various words of annoyance.

"I can understand you all don't want to admit the truth. But that's how it is." Siegrain said, as he crossed his legs. "If the guild masters had been killed by Lullaby, things would have been much worse. Some of us would likely have been fired."

"Don't be ridiculous!" Org exclaimed, slamming his fist onto the table. "Are you really gonna bring up the matter of responsibility here?!"

"That's out of the question! We're already tearing our hair out, because of Fairy Tail's reckless behavior!" Michello shouted, as he shook his fist.

"You should show Fairy Tail some thanks and stop complaining." Siegrain said, earning growls from several of the other council members.

(Back in Magnolia)

"Eisenwald's terrorist attempt at the guild master's regular meeting became huge news, and it wasn't long before all of Fiore heard about it."Lucy thoughts, as she tied her hair in a sideways ponytail on the ride side of her head."I still can't believe I was in the middle of such a big incident, but here I am now, just living another regular day in my life."Lucy pulled up her skirt, and zipped up her blue and white blouse."Thought I have to admit I get really excited when I remember the incident. Natsu and Erza were totally amazing, and Gray seemed pretty strong too. But I have a weird feeling that Natsu and Erza weren't going all out, and that they wereseriously holding back their true potential."Walking into her living room, Lucy took a seat at her writing desk. Pulling out a pen, Lucy began to write a letter to her mother."Rumor has it that Kageyama and most of the Eisenwald mages were arrested, which is no surprise. But I'm kinda worried, because Erigor hasn't been arrested yet. Ah, who am I kidding? If he comesback Natsu will just kick the sh*t out of him again. We'll definitely be alright, because Fairy Tail has its strongest team at the ready with Natsu, Erza, Gray, Happy, and me."Lucy smiled, as she placed the letter in an envelope and placed a seal on it."Fairy Tail is truly the best guild. I'm so glad Natsu and I reunited, and he brought me to such an amazing place. I really wish you could have met Natsu mom, I'm sure you would have loved him like I do. I'm not afraid to think about it anymore, I think I am in love in Natsu. I just have to find the right time to tell him. So please don't worry about me mom. I'm doing fine over here."Lucy released a sigh, and leaned back in her chair.

"A amazing, suspense-filled adventure is great and everything, but nothing beats a relaxing day at home." Lucy said, as she stretched her arms out. A mischievous smile spread across Lucy's face, as an idea popped into her head. "Maybe I'll go shopping later. I can probably get Natsu to come along if I tell him we can get something to eat after."

"Hmm, Mira was right; 70,000 jewels a month for this place is nothing." A voice from behind Lucy said. Lucy quickly spun around in her chair to see Gray sitting behind her. "You found a great place here Lucy." Gray grinned, as he waved at Lucy.

"KYAA! TRESSPASER!" Lucy screamed, kicking Gray in the face. The ice mage was sent fly across the room, where he crashed into a wall. "And keep your f*cking clothes on in my home!"

"You've got it all wrong!" Gray argued, as he dusted himself off. "My clothes were already off before I got here."

"I don't f*cking care!" Lucy yelled, as pointed towards her door. "Go home now!"

"I guess you forgot 'that' is taking place today." Gray said cryptically, causing Lucy to raise an eyebrow. "I came to get you, because flame brain didn't want you to miss it."

"That? What are you on about?" Lucy asked with a confused look.

"I knew you forgot." Gray said with a sigh, putting his hands in his pockets. "Didn't you hear Natsu before we left on our mission?" Hearing Gray say this caused Lucy's eyes to widen.

"That's right! Natsu and Erza are fighting!" Lucy exclaimed, as she raced to her front door. "I have to get down to the guild so I can watch!" Lucy slammed her door, racing out of her apartment.

"Hey wait for me!" Gray yelled, as he ran after Lucy.

Lucy and Gray sprinted through the streets of Magnolia towards Fairy Tail. As they neared the guild, Lucy could hear the sounds of cheering. Rounding a corner, Lucy and Gray spotted a large crowed gathered in front of Fairy Tail. Lucy ran towards the crowd, and began to push her way through. Reaching the front Lucy spotted Natsu and Erza standing in the center of the crowd.

"Are they serious about this?!" Lucy asked, as she stood next to Mirajane.

"Of course they're serious! If they weren't they wouldn't be real men!" Elfman yelled, as he clenched his fist.

"But Erza's a girl." Mirajane corrected with a giggle.

"But if two people from the strongest team fight..." Lucy tried to say, but Gray cut her off.

"Strongest team? What are you talking about?" Gray asked, arching an eyebrow.

"I'm talkin about Natsu, Erza, and you! You three are the strongest mages in Fairy Tail, right?" Lucy asked, causing Gray to look even more confused.

"Huh? Who told you something so stupid?" Gray asked, causing Mirajane to start crying. "O-Oh!...It was Mira-chan?"

"GRAY!" Natsu's voice echoed out, causing the ice mage to turn around. The dragon slayer was glaring at him with fire in his eyes. "After I'm done with Erza, I'm kicking your ass for making Mira cry!"

"HA! Like you could ever do that!" Gray laughed, as he turned back around.

"I can acknowledge Natsu and Gray's manliness...But I cannot let you say they're the strongest." Elfman said, crossing his arms over his chest. "There are men in Fairy Tail that are much stronger than them, like me."

"Didn't Natsu take you out in one punch?" Lucy pointed out, causing Elfman to hang his head in shame.

"I must agree that Erza is the strongest woman thought." Levy said, earning nods from Jet and Droy.

"If we're talking about men there's Mystogan and Laxus." Jet said, as Droy leaned over his shoulder.

"Don't forget about Gildarts." Droy added in a low tone.

"I just thought Gray would get along with Natsu and Erza perfectly." Mirajane said, as she wiped away her tears.

"Either way this should be an interesting battle." Elfman said with a grin.

"Really? I'm expecting Erza to mop the floor with Natsu." Gray said with a small smirk.

Back in the center of the crowd, Natsu and Erza were staring each other down. Erza had a small smile on her face, while Natsu had a massive toothy grin. Sparks danced off Natsu's hands, as he cracked his knuckles. Erza looked relatively calm, as her arms rested at her side.

"How long has been since we last fought, Natsu?" Erza asked, causing Natsu to perk up.

"We haven't fought since we were kids! I've changed a lot since then, and I'll win today!" Natsu exclaimed, as electricity sparked off his body.

"Hmm, then I'll take this serious too." Erza said, as her entire began to glow brightly. "I want to test out my power as well." The armor Erza re-equipped into caused Lucy's eyes to widen. The breastplate was decorated by golden trimmings, and had thin plates going up to surround Erza's neck; the similarly adorned pauldrons were composed of two plates one over the other, with the top ones each sporting a prominent protrusion. Similar protrusions, although less prominent, can also be seen on the armored gauntlets which cover the entirety of her arms; the greaves, on the other hand, possessed matching protrusions on them, with a particularly large pair adorning the knee guards, but were instead composed of plates attached to simple, thigh-high boots with high heels. The armor lacked a waistguard, instead sporting a decorated cloth hanging down from the breastplate to cover Erza's groin, sporting a single piece on the top front and three on the back, which were decorated by large spheres with fur-like ornaments hanging from them. Erza's head was adorned with a band with two ribbons on it, and her hair was styled back in a long braid. The armor's weapon of choice seemed to be a long spear, with a very large blade and a decorated circle resembling a shield attached to the shaft, which was adorned by a large ribbon. "Lightning Empress Armor!" A grin spread smirk spread across Erza's face, as she stared at Natsu. "Come at me with everything you've got, Natsu!"

"Lightning Empress Armor?!" A spectator in the crowd exclaimed. "That armor is resistant to lightning attacks!"

"The effects of Natsu's lightning will be cut in half!" Another spectator yelled, causing a frown to spread across Happy's face. "Erza! You're taking this to serious!"

"Can I bet on Erza?" Happy asked, as he handed Cana a handful of jewels.

"How can you be so heartless?!" Lucy yelled, as she grabbed Happy and pulled him away from Cana. "I could never do something like that! I don't want either of them to lose!"

"Well there will be one winner and a loser." Gray said, as he prepared for the fight to start.

"Lucy, can I speak with you in private after this is all done?" Mirajane asked suddenly.

"Uh...sure thing Mira-san." Lucy replied in a confused tone.

"Perfect."Mirajane thought, as a smirk spread across her face.

"Lightning Empress Armor, huh..." Natsu said, as a grin spread across his face. "Bring it on." Lightning engulfed Natsu's hand, sending sparks flying all around him. "Now I can go all out without any regrets!"

"I like the sound of that." Erza said, as she entered into a fighting stance. "I've been looking forward to this fight Natsu. So give me your all!"

"Are you both ready?" Makarov asked, earning a nod from Natsu and Erza. "Then BEGIN!" For a few tense moments no one moved. Suddenly Natsu shot forward, causing a loud thunderclap.

"Lightning Dragon's Iron Fist!" Natsu roared, as he swung a lighting coated fist at Erza. The Knight raised her spear to block the attack, and was sent skidding back several feet. Quickly recovering, Erza stabbed her spear towards Natsu. But the dragon slayer ducked under her jab. Doing a quick summersault, Natsu used his gathered momentum and vaulted forward. "Lightning Dragon's Claw!" Erza barely managed to dodge Natsu's electrically charged foot, as it crashed into where she had been standing moments before. The ground underneath Natsu's foot exploded in a burst of electricity, as Erza put some distance between herself and Natsu. But Natsu was instantly charging towards Erza, this time flames licking his fists.

"Fire this time?" Erza said, as her body was once again engulfed in bright light. Erza's new armor was predominantly dark red in color, but also had orange and black parts, with the orange parts being shaped like flames and the other parts being similar to a dragon's limbs. The armor consisted of a breastplate, gauntlets, and greaves. The breastplate lacked pauldrons, revealing Erza's shoulder, and it extended down to cover her groin, revealing her legs. The black portions of the armor appeared to be mostly decorative. With the exception of the portion covering her groin. The breastplate also possessed a pair of dragon-like wings attached to it. The gauntlets sported prominent orange decorations, along with small claw-like protrusions on the hands. The greaves were shaped likes dragon's claws which possessed orange-colored knee guards and black portions which extended up from the knees to her upper thighs. Also while donning this armor, Erza's hair was tied into a pair of high, long pigtails. Her pigtails were held up by black clips, which resembled dragon's horns. "Flame Empress Armor!"

Erza managed to re-equip into her new armor just as Natsu's fist crashed into her chest. Even though the effectiveness of the flames was cut in half, Erza was still sent flying back by the force of Natsu's strike. Once again Natsu charged forward, but this Erza was ready. She quickly swept out Natsu's legs, causing him to fall to the ground. But to Erza's shock, Natsu recovered from the fall with incredible speed. Springing backwards off his hands, Natsu inhaled deeply. Sparks filled the air around Natsu, as his cheeks bulged.

"sh*t! It's lightning this time!"Erza thought, as she tried to switch armors. But Natsu was to quick for her re-equip magic.

"Lightning Dragon's Roar!" A stream of concentrated lightning shot from Natsu's mouth, and struck Erza while she was in the middle of re-equipping her armor. The crowd gasped, as Erza was sent flying backwards. Erza grunted in pain, as she finished her re-equip. She landed back on the ground adorned in herLightning Empress Armor. But within seconds Natsu was on top of her once again. Erza's eyes widened when she saw Natsu's fists coated in fire.

"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" Natsu's fist collided with Erza's stomach, knocking the wind out of the knight. Erza went flying the crowd of onlookers, and crashed into a nearby wall.

"When did Natsu get so fast? And since when could he switch between his magics so quickly?"Erza thought through the pain, as she watched Natsu shot towards her once more. Turning her head, Erza awaited the impact of Natsu's flame covered fist. But the punch never came. Slowly opening her eyes, Erza saw Natsu's fire coated fist inches from her face. Sweat poured off her brow, as the heat from the flames hit her. The flames around Natsu's hand died down, and he offered it to Erza. The dragon slayer grinned down at the knight, as she took his hand. Natsu pulled Erza to her feet, causing her to grunt in pain.

"Why didn't you finish me off?" Erza asked, earning a laugh from Natsu.

"Why would I do something like that?!" Natsu laughed, as he patted Erza's shoulder. "We're just sparring right, plus why would I want to hurt my best friend?"

"I guess I thank you for that." Erza said with a chuckle. "Since when did you get so strong?"

"I told you I've changed." Natsu said with a toothy grin. "I'm a lot stronger than I used to be."

"That you are." Erza said with small smile. She was going to say more, but a sudden clapping stopped her.

"Alright, that's enough." A voice from within the crowd said. The crowd separated to reveal a amphibian-like man standing in the middle of road. "Nobody move. I'm a messenger from the council." The messenger pulled out a scroll, and began to read its contents. "With charges of property damage and eleven other crimes from the Eisenwald terrorism incident the other day, Erza Scarlet has been put under arrest."

"EH?!" Erza squeaked, as her eyes widened.

"WHAT?!" Natsu roared in outrage.

"If you don't come quietly your sentence will be doubled." The messenger said, causing Natsu's rage to increase.

"Why are you arresting Erza?!" Natsu yelled, as he took a step forward. "I'm the one who caused all that destruction!"

"My orders are to arrest Erza Scarlet and her alone. If you'd like to argue this, you can speak with the council." The messenger said, causing Natsu to growl.

"Natsu calm down." Erza said with a deep sigh. "I'll go quietly."

"But Erza!"

"Natsu just stop." Erza said with a small smile. "Everything will okay, I promise." Erza held out her hands, and allowed the messenger to cuff her. "Don't worry, I'll be back soon." As Natsu watched Erza be led off, he couldn't help the uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach.

(Three Hours Later)

The mood in Fairy Tail was sullen, as the guild's members all sat around quietly. Most of the mages were resting their heads on the tables. Everyone was upset about Erza's arrest, everyone except Natsu. The dragon slayer was leaning in a chair in the middle of the guild, and he appeared to be calm as ever. It almost seemed as if nothing had happened. This confused most of the guild members, they thought he'd be yelling and hollering to get Erza back. But he appeared to be perfectly fine.

"Something's not right."Mirajane thought, as her eyes narrowed at Natsu."There's no way Natsu would be so calm right now. We'd usually have to be holding him down if something like this happened."

Lucy all picked up on this well as she stared at the dragon slayer."Why isn't Natsu freaking out right now? I thought Erza was his best friend."

"Tch, even if something's white, once the council says it's black, then it becomes black." Gray said with frown, as he stared down at the table he was sitting at. "They won't listen to anything we say."

"But why now...We've done so many other things in the past, why is this time so different?" Elfman asked, resting his head in his hand.

" makes no sense." Loke said, as he rubbed his chin.

"I'm certain something fishy is going on here." Lucy said, as she rested her head on a table. When Lucy saw Natsu doing nothing, a sudden bout of anger flashed through her. "I just can't leave her like that! Let's go testify on her behalf!" Lucy slammed her hands on the table, and suddenly stood up.

"Hmm, have some patience my dear." Makarov said, earning a glare from Lucy.

"What are you saying?! She doesn't deserve this!" Lucy exclaimed in an angry tone. "We'll be too late if she's already sentenced!"

"No matter how fast we try, we'd never get there in time." Makarov explained, his brows furrowing.

Mirajane once again looked at Natsu, and saw that he was unaffected by Lucy's outburst."Something is seriously wrong. If Lucy wanted to dosomething, Natsu would back her one hundred percent."Something didn't feel right to the white-haired barmaid, so she decided to try somethings out.

"Natsu would you like something to eat?" Mirajane asked with a sweet smile, as she walked up to the dragon slayer.

"Nah, I'm fine Mira-chan." Natsu said with a smile,as he turned to look at Mirajane.

"Mira-chan?" Lucy said with a confused look, as she turned to the dragon slayer. "Natsu never calls Mira that." Lucy walked over to Natsu and glared at him. "Okay who are you?"

"What are you talking about Lucy, it's me." Natsu said in a confused tone. "You two are acting weird."

"You're not calling me Luce now either, who the hell are you?" Lucy asked, as she grabbed Natsu by the collar.

"A-Are you feeling alight L-Luce?" Natsu stuttered out, as sweat began to form on his brow.

"What's up Natsu? Cat got your tongue?" Makarov asked with a small smile, as he suddenly blasted Natsu. The dragon slayer erupted into a cloud of smoke, before Macao fell onto the ground in Natsu's place.

"MACAO!?" The entire guild yelled in shock.

"Sorry." Macao apologized, as he rubbed the back of his head. "I owed Natsu a favor. So I transformed into him."

"Then where's the real Natsu?!" Lucy exclaimed in a worried tone.

"Don't tell me he went after Erza!" Gray yelled, causing Macao to chuckle.

"Yeah probably." Macao replied with small grin.

"This is no joke! He'll probably beat up the council members!" Elfman exclaimed in a panic.

"Sit quiet everyone." Makarov said, gaining everyone's attention. "Just patiently wait for the outcome." All the guild members nodded, and sat back down to wait for news from the council.

"Lucy may I speak with you now?" Mirajane asked, walking up to the blonde.

"Uh, yeah sure Mira-san." Lucy answered, causing Mirajane to smile.

"Great, then follow me to somewhere more private." Mirajane said, as Lucy stood from her seat. The white-haired barmaid quickly led Lucy into a storage room near the back of the guild. Flicking on the lights, Mirajane and Lucy sat down at a table near the back of the room.

"What did you want to talk about Mira-san?" Lucy asked, as she got comfortable in her seat.

"This." Mirajane replied, placing a book on the table. Lucy picked up the book and read its title.

"Dragons and Dragon Slayers? What's this got to do with anything?" Lucy asked, as she set the book back down.

"Lucy, I'm only going to ask you this one time, and I want a truthful answer from you." Mirajane said, causing Lucy to quirk a blonde eyebrow. "Do you love Natsu?"

"W-W-What!?" Lucy squeaked, as her entire face burned bright red. Her palms immediately began to sweat under Mirajane's gaze.

"Do you love Natsu?" Mirajane repeated, causing Lucy to squeak again.

"W-Why would you want to k-know if I l-love Natsu?" Lucy stuttered, as she felt her face heat up.

"Because...I love him." Mirajane answered with a faint blush, causing Lucy's eyes to widen. "And I know Erza most likely loves him too. If love you him too, I think I may have found a way for all of us to be happy."

"H-Huh?" Lucy said in a confused tone. "W-What are you talking about?"

"I think I've found a way for all three of us to be happy with Natsu, but first I need to know if you love him or not." Mirajane explained, as she tapped the book on the table.

"W-Well I t-think I-I l-like..." Lucy stopped when she saw the disappointed look on Mirajane's face. "No, damn it I don't like him, I love him. I'm tired of dancing around my feelings, I love Natsu Dragneel." Lucy's voice was full of sincerity and conviction, and it caused Mirajane to smile.

"Good, that's what I wanted to hear." Mirajane said, flipping through the book. Finding the right page, Mirajane handed it back to Lucy. "Here read this." Lucy took the book, and once again began to read it.

"Dragon mating and its relation to dragon slayers?" Lucy read the title of the chapter, and looked at Mirajane.

"That book explains how most dragons generally take on one...mate." Mirajane said, as her blush deepened at the mention of the word mate. "This trait is passed onto dragon slayers as well. So a dragon slayer taught by a normal dragon, will only have one mate in their whole life. They cannot and will not love any other person, besides their mate."

"I don't see how that's going to help all three of us." Lucy said in a confused tone, as she flipped another page. She stopped when she saw the the title of next section of the chapter. "Dragon kings?"

"Yes, dragon mating changes slightly when it comes to dragon kings." Mirajane explained, as Lucy began to read through the chapter. "A dragon king usually has two to three mates to ensure that his magic is passed down to another generation."

"And Natsu was raised by two dragon kings." Lucy breathed out, as her eyes widened. "So that means Natsu could have up to six potential mates."

"Exactly. It's not something Natsu can control. It's a side effect of his magic. It will drive him to claim mates, so that some of his children can learn his magic." Mirajane explained, as Lucy started to understand what was happening better. "There are some other things that book explains. It says that a dragon king usually picks a potential mate at first sight on instinct, the same applies to a dragon slayer. Once a potential mate has been chosen, the dragon does anything in its power to appease its potential mate. It will do its absolute best to keep its possible mates happy."

"Just like Natsu has been doing with us." Lucy said, as realization struck her. "You think the three of us are potential mates?"

"Yes, you've noticed the way Natsu treats us. How he does anything to make sure we're happy." Mirajane said with a smile. "I figured that if I could get you on board we could convince Erza as well. Because I honestly don't think she'd like to share Natsu."

"Well if everything I read is true, than I'm in. I'm sure it won't be too bad to share Natsu." Lucy said with a small smile. "But how are we gonna convince Erza."

"*Sigh* One of us is gonna have to mate with Natsu before she does." Mirajane replied, causing Lucy's face to heat up. "Once one of us has become Natsu's mate, Erza will be forced to either share Natsu or lose him forever."

"W-Which one of is gonna m-mate with Natsu f-first?" Lucy asked in an embarrassed tone.

"I don't know, but we need Natsu to make the first move." Mirajane explained, as she stood up from her seat. "We can't just seduce Natsu, he has to initiate this with us. So we'll just have to wait until something happens."

"How long will that take?" Lucy asked, as she stood up as well.

"I don't know, but we'll just have to be patient. Natsu isn't as ignorant towards women as he let's on." Mirajane said, as she exited the supply room. "We just have to hope he realizes his feelings for one of us."

"Okay, did that book say anything else?" Lucy asked, as they stopped in the hallway.

"Just that when Natsu mates with use, we'll get a special mark to show that he's 'claimed' us." Mirajane explained with a slight blush. "And that we should gain some of his dragon-like characteristics."

"Like what?" Lucy asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Our senses will become heightened like Natsu's. It won't be quite to his level, but our sense of smell and hearing will supposedly drastically improve." Mirajane explained, causing Lucy's eyes to widen.

"Wow that sounds pretty cool." Lucy said, as she placed her hand on Mirajane's shoulder. "Thanks for including me Mira-san. I don't think there's anyone else I'd rather share Natsu with than you and Erza."

"The same goes for me too, Lucy." Mirajane said with a mischievous smile. "But I doubt we'll be the only three to be with Natsu. Knowing him, he'll attract a few more girls as well."

"You're probably right." Lucy said with a chuckle.

"Well let's get back, everyone is probably wondering where we went." Mirajane said, leading Lucy back into the main guild hall.

(Magical Council; Fiore Branch)

Erza had a frown on her face, as she was lead through the magical council building. The knight stared at the floor with a look of annoyance on her face. As Erza and her escort neared the courtroom, she felt a strange presence in front of her. Looking up, Erza's eyes widened when she spotted a familiar blue-haired man.

"Siegrain!?" Erza exclaimed in a shocked tone. Her escort immediately dropped to one knee, and bowed to Siegrain.

"Long time no see Erza." Siegrain said in a smooth tone, as he pushed off the pillar he was leaning against. He looked towards Erza's escort, and gestured for him to stand. "There is no need for that, this body is only a fake." Siegrain's body began to briefly flicker. "My real body is located elsewhere." Siegrain pointed his thumb toward the large doors behind them. "Those old geezers are using fake bodies as well. They couldn't be bothered to come all the way here for such a small case."

"I see..." Erza said with a slight growl, as she glared at Siegrain. "This is all your doing. What bullsh*t."

"That's unexpected of you Erza...I even spoke on behalf of Fairy Tail." Siegrain said with a smirk. "But the geezers feared that they'd be held responsible for the Eisenwald incident. So they needed a scapegoat to take the blame, and picked you."

"Shut the hell up." Erza hissed, as she grit her teeth.

"Alright fine...The reason I came here before the trial started..." Siegrain leaned forward, and cupped Erza's chin. "Never tell the old geezers aboutthat." Siegrain said before he whispered a few more words into Erza's ear. Erza had a blank look on her face, as Siegrain stepped back. "It's for your own good. So...I'll be seeing you in a moment behind those doors, as a member of the council." Siegrain's body flickered for a moment, before it disappeared completely.

"Y-You know someone so important?" The escort asked, as he stood back to his feet.

"He'sevil." Erza said, as she glared at the doors in front of her.

"Eh?" The escort said with a confused look. "Whatever, let's get going." The escort grabbed Erza's arm and led her into the courtroom. Erza took her place at the stand before the magical council. Most of the council members seemed to have annoyed looks on their faces.

"We'll start this mage trial immidiately." Gran Doma said, as he banged his gavel. He then picked up the paper, and began to read off Erza's charges. "Defendant Erza Scarlet. Concerning the terrorist incident involving Eisenwald the other day, you are charged with destroying part of Oshibana Station, Ryushika Canyon's railway bridge, and an entire building in Clover Town." Gran Doma set the piece of paper down, and stared at Erza. "According to witness testimony...the culprit was a female mage in armor..." Suddenly the wall behind Erza exploded in a ball of flames. "What's going on?!"

"I'M THE ARMORED MAGE!" Natsu roared, as he stormed into the court room dressed in armor matching Erza's, a blue skirt, black boots, and even a red wig that didn't cover all of his pink hair. Natsu began to spew flames in random directions around the room, as he approached the stand. "ARREST ME IF YOU DARE!" Erza couldn't help but giggle, as she watched Natsu put on his little display.

"I knew he'd do something like this."Erza thought with a warm smile, as she gazed at Natsu.

"I'M ERZA SCARLET DAMN IT!" Natsu yelled, as smoke billowed from his mouth. "TELL ME WHAT I'M GUITLY OF!" All the council members stared at Natsu in shock, expect for Siegrain who seemed to be rather amused by the stunt. "I hope the charges are even more important than the guild masters lives!" Natsu yelled, pointing at the council members. A grin spread across the dragon slayers face, as he stood next to Erza. The entire court room lay in smoking ruins, as Gran Doma ran his hand down his face.

"Put them both in jail." Gran Doma simply said, as a pair of guards cuffed Natsu.

"We're...pfff...very sorry." Erza managed to say in a somewhat apologetic tone, as she tried to control her giggling.

"ERZA! Don't apologie to these guys!" Natsu exclaimed, before he quickly realized his mistake. "W-Wait! I mean I'm Erza" Natsu screamed, causing Erza to go into another fit of giggles.

"Let's go you two, your spending the next two days in a cell." One of the guards said, as he pushed Natsu and Erza towards the doors.

"Alright we're going." Erza said with a smile. "Come on Natsu, let's go."


(2 Hours Later)

It was well into the night, and Natsu and Erza sitting across from one another in cell located in the council building. Erza had a small smile on her face, as she looked at Natsu. The dragon slayer was sitting against the wall, with his hands behind his head.

"You know my arrest was just a formality, and it was just a facade for the council to display it's authority." Erza said, causing a grain to spread across Natsu's face.

"Yeah I know." Natsu said, making Erza's eyes widen.

"If you knew, why did you pull that stunt back there?!" Erza asked with a hint of annoyance.

"Well even if it was just a facade, you don't deserve all the blame." Natsu said, as he scratched his chin. "I caused even more destruction than you, so I deserve some punishment too." A blush suddenly spread across Natsu's face, as he looked at the cell wall. "Plus I felt like you could use some company."

"Natsu, that's so sweet of you." Erza said, as she felt tears forming in her left eye. Her heart filled with joy, as her own cheeks flushed pink. "Thank you." Erza leaned forwards, and brought Natsu in for a tight hug. "I don't know what I'd do without you Natsu."

"The don't know what I'd do without you, Erza." Natsu said, as he hugged Erza back. "You're my best friend, and I'd do anything for you."

"You would wouldn't you?"Erza thought with a smile on her face."Soon Natsu, I'll tell you my feelings for you soon. I just have to wait for the right moment."

Down the hall Siegrain watched the two Fairy Tail mages with a dark smirk on his face.

"So he was at Fairy Tail..." Siegrain said to himself quietly. "Natsu Dragneel."

Natsu Dragneel the Dual Dragon Slayer - Chapter 10 - JTZ29 (2024)


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Author: Van Hayes

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Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.