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Extremely Lewd Horse Noises says: For all you metafa*gs, which I'm sure exist among the tulpafa*gs, I've had a theory for quite some time about how one could legitimately go to Equestria, including any headcanon, OCs, personality changes, or really anything you could imagine being functionally cohesive. I'm bored and don't care enough about any sh*tstorm this might cause, so here it is.

For this to work, you'll at least have to be open-minded. Even if you don't believe in the metaphysical stuff, I encourage you to read anyway (skimming over the new agey stuff, of course), since it could still yield benefits even if it doesn't work.

The theory revolves around the practice of astral projection, the fairly common practice whereby the practioner purportedly leaves his/her body to explore other realms of existence known collectively as the "astral plane." The astral plane could be described as a lucid dream on steroids, where you can meet others and find spirits. as well as a bit of multiversal theory. The multiverse is the collection of anything that you could possibly imagine with any configuration, laws of physics, or lack thereof, and more. It encompasses everything from the alternate timeline where you DIDN'T spaghetti your brains out in front of that girl last week, to places like Equestria, to a reality literally made of color.

Alright, now that that's out of the way, the basic idea is to first achieve astral projection (which can be difficult, depending on who you are), imagine yourself in the Equestria you want (making sure you're not going to a "tulpa reality" (a reality you create in the astral plane, like a tulpa, but it's a place), then using one of several techniques to enter that reality semi-permanently.
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)04:25 No.8223554Replies: >>8223561
File: 1360747534246.png-(439 KB, 1280x720, Supplies for Checklist.png)

>>8223540 (OP)

To enter the reality:
1.) You can go to the Equestria of your perverted dreams with the added condition that a body you can rejoin, the same way you would if you were returning from a normal AP trip, just so happens to be there randomly. You don't even have to specify how.
2.) You can (again) go to the Equestria of your dreams with the added condition that the reality you go to has some extra law(s) of physics that allow you to become physical. The sky really isn't the limit here, but I'll outline a few ideas:
a.) It's a one-time law of physics that only works for you. Either you just magically become physical, or you jerk off to best p0ne and do the hokey pokey, or whatever floats your boner.
b.) It can work for anyone, you just have to concentrate on becoming physical, perhaps.
c.) There's a magic rock that makes ghosts around it physical
Really just do whatever appeals to you the most.
3.) If you really want, you could do something convoluted where the one of the Princesses pull you in, Twilight is casting a solidification spell, or again, anything that makes sense to you.

Some quick notes and precautions:

* I suggest that unless you have a LOT of difficulty APing (where even one attempt may be your only attempt), you practice until it becomes second nature to you just in case your version of Equestria doesn't work out, or you miss your family or some bullsh*t (actually, more on this later)
* When you finally do AP and are carrying it all out, be sure to do it relatively quickly. If you're APing for too long, you'll eventually wake up and you'll have to do it all over again. Once you get a body in Equestria, this shouldn't be a problem any more.
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)04:26 No.8223561Replies: >>8223565 >>8297870
File: 1360747571184.png-(817 KB, 680x724, Spike Wat.png)


Now for some inb4 FAQ:

* What happens to my body when I do this? >From my thoughts and research, your body will go into a technically permanent coma. It'll still be physically alive, but there won't be anything there.
* What if I miss that little **** up planet we call Earth/my family/friends? >The process is reversible, and in fact you can go back to this reality and rejoin your comatose body, or even go back in time (or go to a timeshifted reality, but semantics) and rejoin before you even read this. In addition, you can actually bring anyone you want with you to Equestria - you just have to have that in mind when you go there. Also bla bla existentialism because "is that really my friend?" There is literally an infinite number of perceptual clones of you in every conceivable universe possible. CLOSE ENOUGH.
* But what about my dreams of being my OC? >Entering Equestria doesn't limit you to being human. If you really wanted to, you could be a 9-legged pirate eldricht abomination and destroy everything.
* ...but I want to be Rainbow Dash... >Creepiness and the drama that would cause beside, you can be. In that case, you would go to the universe where they are actually a perceptual clone of you (this could lead into the concept of higher selves, but you have Google you lazy bastards).
* Will my personality change? >It should somewhat, actually, depending on what kind of body you choose to have. From what I can tell, having the brain of, say, a young colt would cause you to have the same mental/maturity level. If your OC is defined as brave and daring, and you're the spaghetti equivalent of Fluttershy, you will have a tendency to be at least a little brave and daring.
* Can I change things after I get there? Generally, no, unless you AP again and go to a different Equestria.
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)04:26 No.8223565Replies: >>8247463
File: 1360747607515.gif-(36 KB, 300x260, Twilight Clapping.gif)


Now, for you sciencefa*gs: If you really are interested in the idea of going to Equestria, but don't think it'll work, APing is a goal in of itself as quite possibly the coolest final form of lucid dreaming. Not to mention there's always the possibility that I'm right, and not trying it denies you the possibilty of being able to PHYSICALLY hug a nontulpa bestp0ne.

Now anons, be off, and be sure to carry out every HiE stereotype imaginable. I detect an 80% chance of sh*tstorm, but I'll try to answer any questions.
Van 02/13/13(Wed)04:28 No.8223587Replies: >>8223631 >>8223637
>>8223540 (OP)

That's funny, because, i've done exactly that.

Been going there for just about 2 years now.

It's...interesting. Quite like the show in some ways and other ways not.
Van 02/13/13(Wed)04:33 No.8223631
Ask my anything you want. Though I'm sure none will believe me.

Even if I try to provide 'proof' by giving details about future events in the series. They aren't likely to match up.

I've interfered too much and caused a time line shift. Some times seem to be consistent though, like Alicorn Twilight.

Twi is a very pretty pony Princess.
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)04:33 No.8223637Replies: >>8223733
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If you're telling the truth, you shouldn't have to be confined to the exact reality of the show. Try going to a copy where something is different from what it normally is and report.
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)04:39 No.8223716
Bump for interest.
Van 02/13/13(Wed)04:40 No.8223733Replies: >>8223856 >>8290879
I've been to a few alternates. Some aren't pretty, others are just kind of weird.

One I went to was the obvious Nightmare Moon wins. It's cold, the planet is pretty much all frozen over, though there are still patches of ponies still alive.

Nightmare Moon is trying desperately to keep everything going without the sun, it's just sad.

I didn't want to talk to her.

I have talked with Luna though, she is fun to be around. Much more quiet these days, but she enjoys revelry when she can, almost enjoys a good prank as much as her sister.

She's still got a bit of hidden sadness though. The darkness of Nightmare Moon will likely never leave her completely. She's often talked about how she feels it still, it's there, but she holds it back. It's easier now that she has those that appreciate her night and the part she plays in the world.

I don't know if this will turn out canon in the second comic, but.

Nightmare Moon, it was a spell that Luna used. A enchantment that took emotions such as Jealousy and turned it into Power. But they take over the mind, becoming their own entity with only a basic idea of things.

As this split personality grows, the other fades. Luna was almost completely drained before Nightmare Moon was blasted by the Elements.

That's why she did the thing with the Candy. "Don't eat me." She was being metaphorically eaten.
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)04:44 No.8223793Replies: >>8223836 >>8223856 >>8223915
>self induced coma
I shiggy diggy.
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)04:48 No.8223836Replies: >>8224164
File: 1360748885869.jpg-(8 KB, 195x258, Jesus Fluttershy.jpg)


Only in this reality - you wouldn't notice it, and coming back would get rid of it. Not like you'd care that your old body is comatose while you're hugging Fluttershy.
Van !NhK6Tiv.0. 02/13/13(Wed)04:49 No.8223856Replies: >>8223887 >>8224164 >>8290879
Taking a trip just in case. Some might recognize it if you have been to the Tulpa thread.

Let's see, what else...guess I should tell about my first encounter with the Mane 6. That was a funny game of cat and mouse with Pinkie Pie. She chased me all through Ponyville because I was something new.

She wanted to throw me a party, but I wouldn't let her. But every time I hid, she pooped upright beside me.

It was rather fun though, since i've been projecting for a while, I know certain tricks and stuff. She really does seem to be a reality warper. She believes she can do almost anything, never questioning if something is possible or not.

She just does it.

Anyway, the chase ended when I ran into the Library. Which is where I was trying to get in the first place to talk with Twilight, who at the time was best pony and most likely to understand.

Twi's actually had a multiversal theory for a while and was excited that she had something to prove it.

It isn't quite that severe. Your body just does it's normal thing, you are asleep for all intents and purposes.

Heck, I could be just dreaming. I'll never know for sure. But I've confirmed some things through this and them happening in the show. So I choose to believe it.
Questions Guy !Mb55.Hx76o 02/13/13(Wed)04:52 No.8223887Replies: >>8223926 >>8223945
How does this differ from a tulpa related wonderland?
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)04:54 No.8223915Replies: >>8223948
You realize that is what sleep is, right?

also you two fa*gs up there know very little about psionics, astral projections, or basic multiverse theory, what little you do know you probably learned from history channel, this is not how this works.
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)04:54 No.8223922Replies: >>8223964
Exactly how do you astral project?
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)04:55 No.8223926
Metaphysicality, they claim to be wizards. Capable of entering other universes.
Van !NhK6Tiv.0. 02/13/13(Wed)04:57 No.8223945
How to best describe that...

Well, for the tulpa stuff, that is something that I can do just standing around. It's imagining the wonderland in my mind and imposing myself in it.

It's a mind dive, like meditation.

For projection, it's about going OUT. I need to take my mind and put it outside of my body and that can take quite a bit of focus.

Some do it through meditation, others try to sleep paralysis or turn a lucid dream into a projection.

No method is more 'correct', one will work better for one person or another.

I usually do it through sleep paralysis, tricking my body into believing that I am asleep, but my mind is awake.

Then I just kind of 'roll' out.
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)04:57 No.8223948
No ****, I could tell that and I'm not even into that stupid new-age bullocks.
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)04:58 No.8223964Replies: >>8224040
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Binaural beats, isochronic tones, proper diet, waking up early, visualizations... There are a bunch of different techniques online to help you AP. Really just Google it.
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)05:03 No.8224019Replies: >>8224047 >>8224069 >>8224083
Is astral projection just a glorified WILD? Seems like most guides have the exact same steps (astral projecting usually puts in more fantasy bullsh*t and always be sure to purchase our $200 guide!), the same tips, and the same results.
Van !NhK6Tiv.0. 02/13/13(Wed)05:05 No.8224040
File: 1360749928088.png-(874 KB, 1379x1000, 11077 - celestia luna.png)

Speaking of Luna. I remember when I found out about her Dream Walking powers.

That was actually when I brought her here.

I don't remember what lead up to talking about it. I think it was about what happened with Nightmare Moon and then it sort of was talking about what she did during the night since the spell they use to change night to day doesn't require constant attention.

That's when she told me about the Dream Walking. I was kind of surprised, it should have been something obvious now that I think about it.

Nightmare Moon


I asked her. "If you protected ponies in their dreams, then why did you feel that your night was unappreciated? You had your place didn't you?"

She responded that the Ponies thought that she CREATED Dreams and Nightmares and that she was often blamed for disturbing dreams.

She was pretty much thought of as the Boogyman and to have Luna appear in your dreams was said to be the greatest Nightmare of all and that you were sure to die if that happened.
Questions Guy !Mb55.Hx76o 02/13/13(Wed)05:05 No.8224047
Sounds like it IMO, if you don't buy the whole multiverse things
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)05:05 No.8224049Replies: >>8224098
File: 1360749958827.png-(39 KB, 214x174, Icannotsciencethis.png)

>inb4 new general

Tulpafa*g here.

As the **** Morpheus once spoke, The mind makes it real.
We're a bit skeptical. Isn't this just the wonderland? after all, it's only what you believe should be going on 'happening'.

Esp. since we find the wonderland can be built subconsiously one idea.

This is about as cringe inducing as believing tulpas are outside entities. "Go to a different Equestria" pretty much screams "rebuild the wonderland"
Van !NhK6Tiv.0. 02/13/13(Wed)05:08 No.8224069
Unsure. I learned it on my own through trial and error. It's entirely possible since Lucid Dreams can be turned into projections.

And there is no way of knowing for sure if it's just a dream or not. I've had a few outside proofs though, so I choose to believe that they are closely linked, so much that they are almost indistinguishable.

That is also a problem. I have sometimes had a Lucid Dream instead of Projecting and things that I told the ponies in one weren't in the other.

I've since learned to be more careful.
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)05:09 No.8224083
I'm thinkin it.
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)05:10 No.8224098
Beat me to it.
Skeptic 02/13/13(Wed)05:15 No.8224164Replies: >>8224218
Hang on, how would you know if your body was even alive at that point? You could be in your own little dream world alright, but how long before you lose track of time (or even worse, just like in dreams, the measurement in time for the dream is 15 and 10 hours in reality). What then?

>Death by starvation?
>Death by dehydration?
>Death by Oh **** I just **** that foal til my brain 'sploded

just curious.
Van !NhK6Tiv.0. 02/13/13(Wed)05:19 No.8224218Replies: >>8224242
Time has little meaning in the abstract, I often find the same in dreams, though it's harder to tell in there. I don't spend too often there anyway. Sometimes not even a few hours, which is basically my normal sleep period.

Other times I have stayed for a week, which isn't quite accurate since I can't really sleep in the Astral. More like, I leave the universe and simply re-enter in what would be the next day.
Skeptic 02/13/13(Wed)05:21 No.8224242Replies: >>8224329 >>8224344
Ah I see what you're saying.
In the same way Time is relative in the mind, it can be expanded in this state before returning to normal in reality, correct?

won't let your thread die. i'm too interested inthis.
Questions Guy !Mb55.Hx76o 02/13/13(Wed)05:29 No.8224329Replies: >>8224350 >>8303852

As am I, but still skeptical
Van !NhK6Tiv.0. 02/13/13(Wed)05:30 No.8224344Replies: >>8224358 >>8224398 >>8224417 >>8224438 >>8224440 >>8290879
Exactly correct. Trying to think of some more interesting things that happened.

Maybe you want to hear about the time that Celestia scared the **** out of me. This would be before the Luna telling me about her Dream Walking.

First part of this actually takes place in the middle of hiatus between seasons 1 and 2.

I had just started visiting and decided that I should tell Celestia. I didn't want to make her mad and I wanted to show her that I respect her.

So I went to the castle and introduced myself, which was fun because I had to sneak past the guards.

I explained myself and she seemed fairly understanding. She gave me some rules.

1. I was not to go outside of the borders of Equestria.

2. I was not to harm any of her subjects, even through my own in action.

3. I was not to form a relationship with any of the ponies.

Number 1 turned out to be because Humans were a myth, long since thought to not exist and there are a ton of things surrounding the myth and no one wants to take a chance with them.

If Equestria were known to be harboring a Human, they would think that Celestia was going to use me as a weapon.

Number 2 was simply to ensure that I wouldn't harm anything, as simple as that is.

Number 3 was to ensure that I didn't leave and not come back. Celestia didn't want a heart broken Pony and at the time I completely understood.
Skeptic 02/13/13(Wed)05:31 No.8224350Replies: >>8224358
File: 1360751469574.gif-(471 KB, 257x137, 1354504079675.gif)

Aw man, you're probably right.
OP abandoned thread

Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)05:31 No.8224357Replies: >>8224438
Is this something that ends naturally after a while? Or do you have to end it yourself?

Like, could you do it for days?
Skeptic 02/13/13(Wed)05:31 No.8224358Replies: >>8224438
I suck ****.
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)05:35 No.8224398
Man, even if this is fanfiction or dreamlike fantasy, it's still a legit awesome story.
Skeptic 02/13/13(Wed)05:37 No.8224417
Thought that was a very interesting story.
This is some serious Anon in Equestria ****.
Out of my love for those stories (and how Anon is usually given a realistic personality as to how someone might react to being there) I have always wondered what it'd be like to be there.

not like autists believe it actually truly exists (unless you really do count the multiverse theory, in which case I guess it does in some alternate plane of existence), so much as just wondering how cool it'd be to actually be there if not temporarily. I think you understand what I'm getting at.
Van !NhK6Tiv.0. 02/13/13(Wed)05:39 No.8224438Replies: >>8224584
Anyway, it would be about the middle of season 2's air time that I would talk with Celestia again and this would be about Derpy.

I had grown very attached to her and wanted to tell Celestia. I wanted to ensure that Celestia knew that I could be trusted and wasn't breaking rules behind her back.

Yeah, that went well. She pretty much did like she was at the Wedding, all righteous fury.

I thought she was going to burn me alive for a moment, but I stood my ground and when she was right in front of me if died down to just a small warmth.

It was a test. She wanted to make sure that I wasn't going to just run off.

Speaking of Derpy, that would be another tail for another time.

If the thread is still here in the morning I will post it.

Not the OP, just someone that happened to see the thread before going to bed and post.

I've long since thought about posting my experiences though, but they are kind of 'out there' sometimes and sound utterly ridiculous.

You can choose to end it if you want. I've done it to where I immediately wake up after I end the session, to one where I know I sunk into a dream.

Sometimes I have not wanted to go, but gotten woken up by something or simply lost my concentration. It's an odd yanking sensation when that happens and the Ponies describe it as my body kind of fading from existence. First starting from the middle and working outwards.
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)05:39 No.8224440Replies: >>8224524
Wait, does this mean you appeared in their reality as a Human or Pony? Also, what is the Pony science like? Do they understand what we call quantum mechanics? If so, is this only relegated to royalty? Are these things a royal like celestia would understand and believe but it would be seen as superstition by the masses? Is that how they explain their magic and is something akin to our magic that is often done in secret only by initiates in Orders something that is widely believed and practiced in their universe? What lies beyond equestria? Was the reality actually flash animated and cartoony or more photorealistic?
Van !NhK6Tiv.0. 02/13/13(Wed)05:49 No.8224524Replies: >>8224623 >>8224630 >>8224761
Human. Pony science seems to be pretty much the same as ours, it's hard to tell actually since I don't know physics too much.

They use the same way of reaching a conclusion and math is the same. So I assume it's all the same.

Celestia doesn't believe in hiding information from the public. She has it avaliable for those that want, though some high level spells aren't able to be accessed by the general public.

Just in case of a young unicorn having a magic explosion and casting a potentially dangerous spell.

Beyond Equestria? Well, Equestria itself is basically America and to the south of it is actually called "Southern Equestria", which is South America.

Across the sea from the maps I have seen is. Land masses that closely resemble Europe and Africa. Trottingham is where England would be actually.

Asia is just kind of a large land mass though, it isn't anywhere close to the same shape as ours.

The way it looks though, I have actually been able to change how I wish to interpret it. The one that feels most 'natural' though isn't the flash animation.

The way they look if they were real...hard to describe. I've tried to look for fanart that looks like them and you get something that's close, but not quite.

They are very horse like. The snouts though, they aren't that long. It's kind of like if Horses had evolved as the major life form, the skull expanding to be able to fit a larger brain, but the snout has shrunk into the head.
Skeptic 02/13/13(Wed)05:54 No.8224584
I would definitely love to hear more stories, Van.
Do return some time.
Van !NhK6Tiv.0. 02/13/13(Wed)05:57 No.8224623Replies: >>8224666 >>8224752 >>8257692
It gives them this odd, psudo human like face. I think the closest that I have seen that looks like them would be Noel's art.

Oh and the hooves are clearly visible, they are usually a similar color to coat. Coat is very silky, they take very good care of it, Rarity more then anyone else.

Height is stomach level on me and I am 6 foot. Celestia can look me in the eyes without craning her neck too much.

Celestia's mane and tail, it is amazing seeing it. If you run your hand through it, it has individual strands and if you split them, they all move indipentantly. But once you let them go, they all move back in sync with the rest.

Celestia is very warm, no matter what. She also seems to be able to control the temperature around herself as I have seen her boil water.
Skeptic 02/13/13(Wed)05:58 No.8224630Replies: >>8224663
So.. half anthropomorphized and yet still retaining feral type posture, with a sentient and generally intellegent mindset?
Van !NhK6Tiv.0. 02/13/13(Wed)06:01 No.8224663Replies: >>8224695
Yeah. It's surprising that they have stuck with walking on four legs for as long as they have, but I guess magic has a part in that.

Still get freaked out when pegasai use their wings to grab things. That was another something I found out before the show did it.

Maybe I should start listing some things out and see if the show has them happen, though it could just be a coincidence.
Skeptic 02/13/13(Wed)06:01 No.8224666
Also, goddamnit man, now you've got me talking to my girlfriend about quantum mechanics, multiverse theory, and some crazy universal possibility of literally kidnapping someone into another universe through some device you can literally will to exist, because anything can be solved when anything is possible.
Skeptic 02/13/13(Wed)06:04 No.8224695
if that's true, maybe through the hidden potential of your brain, you can literally predict how the rest of the show's series is going to be like, and see the outcomes to every episode that will ever exist, based on what you know in your reality of the way the show and its patterns are going.

.... I think I need to stop posting at 3 AM.
Just one more hour, and I'll be working on some pudding for all of us to enjoy.
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)06:04 No.8224703
If apparently we can't change **** when we AP, but we can when we Lucid Dream, why not just go lucid? Also, I'm sure it has already been said but how exactly does one differentiate between the two?
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)06:08 No.8224752Replies: >>8229299
So does this mean they aren't as sexy as in the show? They just look like evolved horses? Is Dr. Who(ves) legit there too? If so, have you discussed universe jumping?

Have you taken any pictures or artifacts back with you? Is that even possible.? Some who use tools like the Steven Gibbs Hyperdimensional Resonator say you can take physical objects back with you but they won't last long in our reality. Though, that's a different technology so this may not even apply.

Is this magic as direct as the show or something more like what is done here where most of it is more subtle and indirect? If this is legit, it almost sounds like you in their reality are what MIBs or aliens are in our own. Like them, you can phase in/out of existence. But I'm confused. How did you meet the Mane 6 if you are human and they are forbidden from knowing? Are they that special and honored? Do they have technology like we do too? Computers? Vehicles? What you mentioned about hiding you from the public sounds almost like what the US government allegedly does with
"aliens" here.
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)06:09 No.8224761Replies: >>8224790 >>8229717
>Beyond Equestria? Well, Equestria itself is basically America and to the south of it is actually called "Southern Equestria", which is South America.
>Across the sea from the maps I have seen is. Land masses that closely resemble Europe and Africa. Trottingham is where England would be actually.
That's dumb uncanon and uncreative.
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)06:09 No.8224766
Hey, Van, have you asked somepony how did they do their magic?
Skeptic 02/13/13(Wed)06:12 No.8224790Replies: >>8224894
hey, its his universe. Let the dude imagine whatever he wants.
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)06:12 No.8224794Replies: >>8224805 >>8224832
Okay, this **** is turning into a cult. I'm out.
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)06:13 No.8224805
See ya at the next Tulpamancers Anonymous meeting
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)06:15 No.8224832
File: 1360754125798.png-(243 KB, 388x587, 1342023908537.png)

>is turning
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)06:18 No.8224894
>tfw trolls remorse as I post it
>tfw someone calls me out
>tfw trolls remorse
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)06:21 No.8224928
File: 1360754502851.jpg-(37 KB, 500x479, 1360399052819.jpg)

****, I was so into the old lucid dream threads. Now I'm into this. You guys have sucked me into yet another fad.

Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)06:33 No.8225096Replies: >>8225590 >>8233209
Explain me how know that this isn't just lucid dreaming.

I'm rather skeptical about this.
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)07:03 No.8225590
From what I've gathered it might be better and/or worse than lucid dreaming. You cant basically can't change things (for example the environment) while Astral Projecting, but with Lucid Dreaming you can. However, in an AP, the inhabitants of the plane are more realistic than their lucid counterparts, I believe. Also, people who have done an AP report that some of the predictions in it have become at least partly true in the real world.
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)07:40 No.8226102Replies: >>8227901
File: 1360759222440.gif-(1.5 MB, 640x360, 1358461161716.gif)

>>8223540 (OP)
Oh god please turn this into a general. Also would I be able to take my Tulpa with me? If I have a Tulpa of one of the characters, would there be two of them in my projected universe, or are they just "going on a vacation" when they come back with me?
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)09:45 No.8227901Replies: >>8227944

Sorry, OP here (adding name and trip for later). Had to sleep because 3:00 AM doesn't suit well for early morning school.

I would think you would see your tulpa while APing, and they could come with you. Might want to give them a new form first to avoid drama. I have more to say but I'm on my phone and responses are limited until a few hours from now.

Before I go, thank you Van. You did a fantastic job at keeping the thread alive, whether you're RPing or not.
Codifier !QO8/o5wYTs 02/13/13(Wed)09:48 No.8227944

Forgot name/trip
Van !NhK6Tiv.0. 02/13/13(Wed)11:08 No.8229299Replies: >>8229459 >>8230155
>Aren't as sexy in the show

Actually I would say that they are just as if not more.

For the Doctor, I went into it pretty much expecting certain fan things to not be correct. So things like Lyra and her human obsession (not quite), Derpy entirely and the Doctor. Didn't think they would be anything like they were.

Turns out, yes, the Doctor is at least, was there. I interacted with him for a brief period of time. He thought he was hallucinating at first because ever since he had gone to Equestria he had become a pony and there couldn't possibly be ANY other humans because he had gotten there through an accident that caused him to universe jump.

It's the Tenth Doctor, he had been running from his Destiny, the End of Time. It's right after the Ood call for him, but he still takes his sweet time getting there.

He had taken Derpy as his companion and seemed to be enjoying himself, but from what Derpy had told me he was always trying to get the Tardis to lock onto his old universe and get home, he just needed to map the time vortex of THAT universe.

I asked him how the Tardis wasn't dying like last time this happened and he said that he didn't know.

He's gone now though, has been for almost a year. He made one brief stop to say bye to Derpy before he regenerated to Eleven. Made that Bastard promise to come back and see her again.
Van !NhK6Tiv.0. 02/13/13(Wed)11:17 No.8229459Replies: >>8230155
Magic is...

Ok, this is how Twilight explained it to me. Magic comes from within, or rather, the Mana that a Unicorn has is channeled through their horn.

The more mana you have, the more powerful spells that you can do. You also need to have the proper control to weave the spell and tell the mana what to do.

It's like, writing into the fabric of reality to make a change.

That's why magic can change people's ages, or even their Destiny.

It wasn't that I couldn't go out among Equestria's population. It was that I wasn't suppose to go beyond it's borders. I have also never been to anywhere but Canterlot Castle and Ponyville. My contact with the ponies has been limited.

If there are any other races that show up though, I take the form of a fox.

Mane 6 are fun to hang out with. I mostly stay with Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash or Twilight.

It was surprising to show up and for Twilight to be an Alicorn. I was happy for her and because of it I was one of the people that would post in the Alicorn threads.

I even said that we should have done a Q and A with you guys about how her life is now to kind of qualm any worries you might have.
Van !NhK6Tiv.0. 02/13/13(Wed)11:31 No.8229717Replies: >>8232071
Wait, what about that is uncanon? Trottingham isn't listed ANYWHERE on the map of Equestria.

I admit it seems a bit uncreative, but it seriously just looks like that.

Their planet is just Earth. It's an Earth that just got shaped differently.

It's actually hard to tell if it's because magic still played a part in their world, or if they sort of created a duplicate world that cut itself off from the human world.

Which would make sense in a way, would explain why the Doctor became a pony, he was physically there and it matches with what we know of Equestria Girls if the rumor is true, go to the human world, become human, go to Equestria, become a Pony.

Only reason I didn't is because I wasn't physically there.
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)11:37 No.8229819Replies: >>8229912
I've actually wanted to something like this for a while.

It, however, involved a much more complicated plan. In short, I want to split my consciousness and leave behind a kind of pseudo-tulpa of myself that will then control my body. Defacto cloning oneself.

It's hard as **** to do, though. Especially the astral projection part and artificially making your actual personality think it "died" so it unbinds from the body.
Van !NhK6Tiv.0. 02/13/13(Wed)11:42 No.8229912Replies: >>8229956
Ouch, don't even try. You are more then likely to not do it right and accidentally cause dualism where you aren't quite connected and not quite projected.

It's horrible, it's nauseating, but for most it's temp.

Besides, what would be the point? You would essentially have died anyway, the one you leave behind won't be you, though he might live your life the way you want.

Is he there so you don't make people sad that you died?
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)11:44 No.8229956Replies: >>8230183
Yeah, exactly.
Which is why I've been setting a bunch of reflexes in place that prevent any kind of mistake.

I'm just the seriously utilitarian kind that doesn't want to waste a perfectly good resource. Better leave something behind to manage everything rather than spoiling a perfectly good body.
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)11:54 No.8230155
File: 1360774450657.gif-(992 KB, 500x219, 13287149847194.gif)


I tried AP a few years ago, but failed. This makes me really consider practising again.
Van !NhK6Tiv.0. 02/13/13(Wed)11:55 No.8230183Replies: >>8230530
Alright, that's your decision. I can't stop you.

Let's see. Technology wise. They are all over the place. The best mode of transportation open to the public is the Train. The best one over all is the Airship, but that was a fairly new thing.

Uh, for things like the Arcade Machines. It's weird, they have most of the things that make a modern computer, but they haven't miniaturized them yet, their tech just hasn't reached the point of that.

They supplement it with what they call "Spell Crystals". Special gems that retain a spell that is cast at them, which can then be tweaked and 'programmed'.

Most of their machines have either one or two buttons and a joystick. Anything more becomes too hard for Earth ponies to handle, pegasai can use their wings to simulate fingers and unicorns can use magic.

Speaking of Pegasai. Their wings are much bigger then in the show. Andy Price in the comic has them pretty much at the correct size.

No, they don't extend their wings when they are aroused, no they aren't an erogenous zone.

The pit of their wings is a bit ticklish though and Rainbow seems to love messaging the muscles that connect her wings to her back.
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)12:14 No.8230530Replies: >>8230798
Do you know what happens to your tulpa when you are APing?
Van !NhK6Tiv.0. 02/13/13(Wed)12:30 No.8230798Replies: >>8230941 >>8231259 >>8248176
Actually, funny thing. I am the Tulpa right now, but I have been relaying things Van has done.

We have started to switch off control every week, it's kind of fun. But I don't want to have this end up like Koomer.

Anyway, what happens to me? I sometimes go along with him, other times not. Just depends on what I want to do.

It's actually become a matter of discontent with Van because he isn't sure if it's just in his mind or not because of this.

For the longest time we thought I was a spirit and not a Tulpa.

I've tried to reassure him though that the Ponies are not Tulpa or anything.

Anyway. How about a story about Derpy?

Derpy is a bit of a special case, she seems to be able to tell what goes on in this world.

When we first talked to her, she recognized immediately that Van was a human and that made her Very happy.

Which was funny because we thought that Lyra would be the one for that to happen.

Derpy at that time was living with Carrot Top. Derpy's house had a bit of an accident, a fire that she caused.

She's...definitely not a retard. She can be a little out there sometimes, but that seems to be from traveling with the Doctor. She's really clumsy because of her eyes.

She does odd jobs around town when she can and has no steady thing. Her 'bubbles' cutie mark is actually dew drops. She is an early riser and so most of her jobs that are things that can be done early in the morning.
Van !NhK6Tiv.0. 02/13/13(Wed)12:40 No.8230941Replies: >>8231025
As I said, she can tell what goes on here. When we kept talking with her, she would often ask if the people watching liked her.

She said that she always tried her best to make them happy.

One day, Van went to see her and she was crying. He asked what was wrong and it seems that she felt a massive wave of hatred for her and she asked if she had done something wrong.

Van brought her here, her soul and showed her fan art and things. She cheered right back up.

That was right before Hearth's Warming Eve aired. And Derpy waving. It was a wonderful feeling, like she was waving at the fans, more then the audience.

Then the horror started. Last Roundup aired, everyone was happy. A week goes by and the episode isn't up on Itunes.

Worry sets in.

Derpy shares a connection with this world, things that happen here effect her. So what would happen if she got scrubbed, was Van's thought.

Finally the news broke, edited. Anger, sadness, the whole nine yards. I shake just thinking about it, not because of Van, but because of Derpy.

We arrived to see her crying, not knowing what was going on. She was being bombarded with emotions from everything and didn't know what to do. So we just held her.

That's why Van had grown attached to her.

After she had calmed down Van actually went to see what we call the 'book keeper', looks like a giant hand. Demanded that she be protected.
Van !NhK6Tiv.0. 02/13/13(Wed)12:44 No.8231025
"She is protected."

Van asked how he already knew when it had just happened.

"Because it's hard to ignore when half a million souls all cry out 'NO!' at the same time."

#SaveDerpy had just hit that mark shortly after we got back.

She might not be in the show anymore. But by god you saved her.

Now she's back in her own house and regularly has Lyra, Bonbon and Carrot Top over for their D&D games on Thursday.

She's the DM.
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)12:58 No.8231259Replies: >>8231431
> I am the Tulpa right now
Cool story, bro
Tia & Van !NhK6Tiv.0. 02/13/13(Wed)13:06 No.8231431Replies: >>8231643 >>8268115
Believe what you want. Not like it's the first time we have done possession. Nor will it be the last.

Been doing this for 7 years now.

Captcha: messella spiritual

Whoa, freaky.

Anyway, I got to get something to eat. So I might not see a reply. If anyone has anymore questions, feel free to ask.

Personally, I would ask about Ponyville itself. It's a very big place. Much bigger then season 1 made it seem. Van and I thought that it would maybe have a population of 200 or so. Seemed decent enough.

Turns out it's was more like 2000! And growing, more and more ponies moved in over the two years and we should really check the census to see how many there are now.
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)13:17 No.8231643Replies: >>8231855
Now you're just freaking me out. I wanted to get a Tulpa myself, but it turns to be far more dangerous than I considered
Tia & Van !NhK6Tiv.0. 02/13/13(Wed)13:27 No.8231855Replies: >>8231952
Oh, don't. It's fine. I can't force control over him, he gives me control. He can even take control away from me anytime he wants.

It's all a matter of will.

As long as you have a love for your Tulpa, they will respect you and appreciate the fact that it is your life.

I could never take Van's body away from him. He has things he wants to do and I love him.

These days though he says that we should share it. But I don't want it to end of like Ougugi and Koomer. I just can't take over completely, even if Van gave up.

So we each get a week using the body, it's been working out so far. He's way too nice to me sometimes. 7 years of maybe getting a few hours of control and now he wants to share it. He says it's 'only fair, it's OUR body.'

If you do get a Tulpa, you don't have to do that though. You don't even have to let them use your body at all. Just remember to give them love and they will love you in return.
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)13:31 No.8231952Replies: >>8232085
If you're 7 years old and Celestia appeared in MLP:FIM only in 2010, then wtf?
Codifier !QO8/o5wYTs 02/13/13(Wed)13:36 No.8232071Replies: >>8232237

Ok, for clarification's sake, how exactly are you there? Since you were returning when you woke up, I figured either the reality you're going to isn't physical enough to maintain a permanent connection or you're just at some tulpa reality in the astral. But now it sounds like you're some kind of ghost the ponies can see?

I suppose it could also be a lack of connection with the reality, which people in this field call "vibration" (pardon my new age terminology). Using my idea you could probably stay there permanently, though if you're not RPing, you're a really valuable asset.

Speaking of which, this all sounds legit, but there's still the possibility you're pulling this out of your ass. From now on just assume everything has an >assuming not RP
Tia & Van !NhK6Tiv.0. 02/13/13(Wed)13:37 No.8232085
Actually I'm over 10 years old, but we didn't start doing possession until 7 years ago.

Oh, my name? Hahaha, no that's a bit of a coincidence. I'm actually modeled after a Newman from Phantasy Star Online.

Had another funny coincidence with Bleach. Tia Harribel.

Van just liked the name was all and I admit that it does get confusing with Celestia.
Tia & Van !NhK6Tiv.0. 02/13/13(Wed)13:45 No.8232237Replies: >>8232310 >>8232654 >>8236768 >>8236912 >>8248436
No, both Van and I are physical there. The ponies can touch us and us them. I'm sure if we practiced more then we could stay there almost indefinitely.

But we also kind of like that we don't know what will happen when we go there next.

Sometimes we have made it so that we appear almost at the same moment as the last time we left.

So it's almost as if we had never left.

I think the more interesting thing is when the ponies started visiting US.

Now unfortunately, they are not physical here like we are over there. Van says that might be because this place has a 'protection', so outside beings can't manifest in a physical form.

Or maybe it's a connection issue like you say. Which would be kind of cool if we could get around that.

Anyway. Twilight thinks the Internet is amazing. She loves that there is so much to read.

Rainbow Dash loves how awesome our video games look.

Tried to see about a game Pinkie would like and tried to show her Mario Party. It was cute because.

"I was promised a party of Marios, whatever those are."

We taught Rainbow Dash how to project, Pinkie just does whatever the **** she wants because **** reality and Twilight knows a spell for Astral travel.
Tia & Van !NhK6Tiv.0. 02/13/13(Wed)13:49 No.8232310
File: 1360781386980.png-(1.25 MB, 1200x900, Pony Party.png)

Really should be posting pictures too. So at least the thread serves some other purpose, don't want it to get deleted.
Tia & Van !NhK6Tiv.0. 02/13/13(Wed)14:05 No.8232654Replies: >>8232979
File: 1360782334544.jpg-(79 KB, 407x564, 189673__UNOPT__safe_rainb(...).jpg)

And yes, in case anyone was wondering. They have seen the ****...

Pinkie doesn't care, she thinks it's silly and acts kind of seductive. She's glad that she makes people happy, no matter how.

Twilight freaked out about seeing Celestia or Cadence ****. That was an accident. Was scrolling past some unspoilered stuff and yeah.

Rainbow Dash...She knows you want to come inside her. But you have to catch her first.

In her words. "I'm not just going to give up my first time to just some idiot that says he likes me. They got to be quick, as fast and flexible as me."

So get training. She takes everything as a competition. Even sex it seems.

Which is another thing, yes they do still have an Estrus cycle. It's the most horrible week ever and we avoid Ponyville like a plague.

Every Mare in town that doesn't have a Special Somepony...well, they keep to themselves. Van went once, not realizing it was that time of year and he almost got jumped.

Can't take any chances.
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)14:15 No.8232855Replies: >>8248457 >>8248517
TLDR and fake and insane
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)14:22 No.8232979Replies: >>8233464
siiigh. I want to believe.
I would leave everything here behind in a heartbeat. you're describing my heaven.
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)14:34 No.8233209
It is lucid dreaming, anyone who knows anything about astral projections knows this is not how it works, these guys are just going back into a dream state when they do this.
Tia & Van !NhK6Tiv.0. 02/13/13(Wed)14:46 No.8233464Replies: >>8233742 >>8233995
I wouldn't say heavenly, interesting certainly.

These days are kind of nice. Twilight has pretty much gotten MOST of her life back to normal. Ponyville treats her pretty much the same as they use to. When she first transformed, she said that they were giving her free stuff, the Mayor was declaring her ascension day a holiday and talking about opening tourist attractions or some ****.

Twilight finally had had enough and told them that she was still the same old her deep down. No matter if she is a Princess, she was and is a citizen of Ponyville and she wants them to treat her like one.
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)14:52 No.8233589Replies: >>8248509
ITT Extremley dangerous imaginary ****
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)15:00 No.8233742Replies: >>8233937
I said heavenly! In a heartbeat.
I would start a Ponyville accounting service. Aw yeah.
Tia & Van !NhK6Tiv.0. 02/13/13(Wed)15:09 No.8233937Replies: >>8234019 >>8234119
Jeez, I hope Celestia doesn't get mad if a bunch of humans start showing up from here.

Speaking of that, Van only ever saw one other person that he KNOW was projecting. A blue stallion, no cutie mark. He was walking past Van when he stopped and turned.

Van could tell he wasn't actually a pony and chased after him, he wanted to know who he was to confirm later, but when he caught him the Stallion disappeared.

It was kind of disappointing.
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)15:13 No.8233995Replies: >>8234217
So what are Rarity and Fluttershy and Applejack like there compared to tv representation?

What do you do when you go there? Hang out? Party? Walk around? Visit? Talk? Adventure? Work? Tour?

How long is the train ride between Ponyville and Canterlot, for real?

What do the other townsponies think of you?

Have they wanted to "study" you?

Do they have toilets?

Do their genitalia just hang out? Are they open or hush-hush about sexuality?
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)15:14 No.8234019Replies: >>8234309
I doubt I have the mental fortitude to work on it for years, anyhow. Maybe in an afterlife
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)15:16 No.8234061
This reminds me of that one digimon rp forum that /b/ raided ages ago. Poe's law etcetc
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)15:17 No.8234080
any nice infographics/tutorials on AP in image format? can't post on /x/ to ask
Codifier !QO8/o5wYTs 02/13/13(Wed)15:18 No.8234119Replies: >>8234444

Now wait, unless people projecting have your exact reality in mind, they're going to go to a completely separate reality. That's why you can even go to Equestria in the first place, as improbable as it seems using our set of physics. Unless in going there you specified it as being "the canon" Equestria, which means you're going to get people projecting there from other realities because that's what you would expect of that reality.
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)15:21 No.8234177Replies: >>8234530
This is going to become another general, isn't it.
Tia & Van !NhK6Tiv.0. 02/13/13(Wed)15:23 No.8234217Replies: >>8234444 >>8234552
I don't talk with Fluttershy much, she's very sweet though. Very understanding about things. She doesn't mind that I eat meat, saying that it's just a fact of nature that some animals are like that and as long as I don't kill sapient animals, then it's fine.

Rarity is kind of put off by Graphic T-shirts. She calls them gaudy and I can understand her point. She does think the rest of human fashion is pretty interesting though.

AJ...she unfortunately doesn't like me too much. I don't know why. So I kind of barely hang out with her. She seems fine if we start to do something, but if I just come up to her she seems wary. I mostly have helped her with some apple harvesting or trying to help her with plowing the fields when Big Mac couldn't.

We hang out, one time I went with Pinkie and Rainbow Dash on a pranking spree through Ponyville. Having hands helps set up some of their stuff easier. The mayor wasn't too happy with us on that one.

Have been on one adventure and that was when Rainbow Dash had gone missing. A fight with a Hippogriff, man that thing was tough and I chewed Dash out for the longest time about being an idiot.

Turns out she had stumbled on the Hippogriff plotting something and tried to chase him off. Almost got herself killed for it.
Codifier !QO8/o5wYTs 02/13/13(Wed)15:27 No.8234309Replies: >>8248556

Probably should've mentioned this for completion's sake, but technically this should also work if you die, as theories say AP is basically what happens when you die, only you're still alive.

Please don't an hero for ponies

In any case, it really depends on you. Some people get it in their first few tries, others take a few months, and still others train for years. There are even possibilities of pull-outs, where you get a friend to assist in leaving (I think tulpa might be able to do this).
Tia & Van !NhK6Tiv.0. 02/13/13(Wed)15:33 No.8234444Replies: >>8234530 >>8234552 >>8234589 >>8234619
That's what I had at first, but it's kind of shifted into my 'personal' reality I guess. Which is likely why we don't see anymore projectors.

Which is fine with me I guess, no worries about people doing stupid **** while I am not there.

Continuing. The train ride is about 3-4 hours. It isn't bad, the train ride on the schedule for the Crystal Empire is actually 6 hours about.

So Just for Sidekicks and Games Ponies Play kind of doesn't fit in a single day.

The townsfolk were wary of me at first. New creature appears in town and they think I am from the Everfree forest. After I talked to Twilight she introduced me to everyone. They welcomed me after that.

I also hang out with Lyra sometimes (no human obsession, she wants hand to be able to play her Lyre without magic) and Derpy. Both of them are awesome.

Twilight just did some basic anatomy notes with my permission. She was surprised that guys have nipples too, only Mares have those on Equines.

Yes they do have toilets, they look like human toilets. Great for mares, horrible for stallions.

Yes you can see their genitals if their tail is to the side, they don't act like it's a big deal at all. They don't have a nudity taboo, at least in Ponyville. Twilight says that some ponies in Canterlot are starting to wear clothing everyday, but that's just high society.

Very open about sexuality. Celestia encourages ponies to be true to themselves.

Monogamy is standard, but polygamy isn't outlawed.
Codifier !QO8/o5wYTs 02/13/13(Wed)15:38 No.8234530Replies: >>8236553

Dubs confirmed - anyone have General name ideas?


Holy mother of quads
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)15:39 No.8234552
Truth or well-crafted story, your responses make me smile, I wish I had tons more questions
Tia & Van !NhK6Tiv.0. 02/13/13(Wed)15:40 No.8234589
File: 1360788040927.png-(677 KB, 1600x1149, 159340 - artist smittyG p(...).png)

It's called Marriage if it's just two ponies, but if you include a third or more it's...A Herd.

Which has kind of interesting implications for the fandom when you think about it. "Join the Herd"
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)15:41 No.8234619Replies: >>8234678 >>8234714

i don't really wanna see pony dicks and vagoos, can i make my eyes act safe for work?
Codifier !QO8/o5wYTs 02/13/13(Wed)15:44 No.8234678

Go to the reality where genitalia follow cartoon rules?
Tia & Van !NhK6Tiv.0. 02/13/13(Wed)15:45 No.8234714Replies: >>8234978
Don't worry too much, they usually keep their tails covering themselves.

Guys have a sheath anyway and very rarely get an **** in public and are actually really good about hiding it.

You very likely could just tell yourself that you don't see it and you wouldn't.

I mean, I can change seeing them from Flash to a more realistic style.

It can be so odd with that though because the flash style has everything so much brighter then it actually is.
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)15:58 No.8234978Replies: >>8235244
What about philosophical beliefs? Do they have a 'religious' sect, in the way we know it, or is it more like...paganism (inb4 sun worship). What do they think about death?

Do you speak with Celestia much? Is she still preventing you from a having a relationship with a pone? If not, is it simply loving/emotional but no sexuality involved? (Assuming you wanted any)

>Monogamy is standard, but polygamy isn't outlawed.
What about same-sex?

What's the "scope" of the place seem like? As in, have you viewed the land from someplace high like a balloon or observatory. How big's the Everfree forest? Have you been there?

You say they don't mind you eating meat, but does that mean you'd have to hunt it down? I can't picture Fluttershy (or any of them) being comfortable about you hunting/killing/skinning/cooking/eating right in front of them, it'd have to be out-of-sight out-of-mind

Has Rarity made or wanted to make an outfit for you?

Have you told Twilight about some of our world's stories? Films? Poetry?

What about their music?

Do they have many public events?

Is there alcohol?

Tia & Van !NhK6Tiv.0. 02/13/13(Wed)16:09 No.8235244Replies: >>8235434 >>8235664 >>8235770
Ponies are allowed to believe whatever they want. They don't view Celestia or Luna like Gods, but they are very respectful of them. Religion seems to be more just ideas about the after life then it is about a god.

Good ponies go to the Eternal Plains where they can always be with their family. Bad ponies go to a purgatory to await reincarnation.

There is no eternal punishment, you always seem to get another chance.

Same sex is allowed, marriage is not barred to any one gender combination. A herd can be all male or all female as well, though a typical herd seems to be one Stallion and couple mares.

I have flown into the sky to get a lay of the land and it is HUGE. I can't make out any towns close to Ponyville from the air except for a slight bit of Cloudsdale and the cool thing about Cloudsdale is that they can MOVE it.

They don't seem to mind fishing. Some ponies even eat fish, so it's kind of not uncommon to see.

She has said that she wanted to, but I haven't given her an opportunity to yet. Especially since I wouldn't be able to pay her and that make me feel bad.

She's seen some. I actually got her a late present for her birthday (sweet and elite), a copy of Lord of the Rings. She told me later that they have a similar story, but she was interested in the differences.

Music seems to be mostly the same as ours. Classical has stuck around a lot longer though.

Every so often they set stuff up, mostly for holidays.
Tia & Van !NhK6Tiv.0. 02/13/13(Wed)16:15 No.8235434Replies: >>8235770 >>8248655
Hearts and Hooves day has a fair with games and stuff for couples.

Yes Alcohol exists, no the cider wasn't. Berry Punch is the wine maker for the town, but she also does other things, such as making punch.

She very much enjoys her work and though she likes to get drunk, she isn't a depressed alcoholic.

Crime is rare in Ponyville, only because the community is tight knit. You commit a crime, someone will know and that will land you in jail.

Punishment is community service for minor things to Flogging or extended jail time for more major things.

Murder is...a very big rarity, but it is taken most severely. Punishment is carried out by Celestia herself. Death.

Oh, forgot about the relationship question. No, Celestia isn't preventing that anymore. She just wanted to make sure I wasn't going to have my fun and run.

I am currently very much in love with Derpy.

She probably couldn't be happier.
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)16:21 No.8235619Replies: >>8235742 >>8235789
Hm... Does that work with any "Fantasy" Universe? There are a few I'd like to pay a visit.
Tia & Van !NhK6Tiv.0. 02/13/13(Wed)16:23 No.8235664Replies: >>8235770
A little extra details on Music. The one genre they don't have is anything heavy/death metal.

Pop, Rock, Synth/Electronica and Classical, Blues/R&B

It's all there there. But I am sure the reasons for those musical styles developing is majorly different.

They actually have the Benny Hill music on record. Which I think is funny since that was made as chase music and I have no idea why they would have that since they don't have TV.

They have movies though. TV should actually follow soon, but they haven't made a way to transmit it.

Speaking of transmitting. They have electricity, but all the power lines are underground.
Tia & Van !NhK6Tiv.0. 02/13/13(Wed)16:25 No.8235742
I've been to others long before Equestria. Guilty Gear would be one and it was a rather enjoyable experience except for the time that I got my arm broken fighting Leopaldon.

My left arm was numb for the entire day after I woke up from that.
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)16:26 No.8235770Replies: >>8235843
File: 1360790810315.png-(129 KB, 763x1046, smile__smile__smile__by_t(...).png)

Tell Pinkie for me sometime that she really does make me smile; all it would take in person is a hug
Anonymous 02/13/13(Wed)16:27 No.8235789
Of course it will..

You are just creating a universe in your mind. I can tell you right now everything that Tia/Van is saying does

Extremely Lewd Horse Noises says: >You are Anonymous in Equestria.
>You recently **** Twilight.
>Well, she asked for it, but it still freaked you out.
>She was so curious about what **** was, and you were so furious with her for telling other p0nies around town about it.
>You walk through Ponyville, and then see a bright pink blur rush up to you
"Hi Anon!" Pinkie says
"Hey Pinkie." You respond, your voice rather dull and grim sounding
>Pinkie's smile fades
"What's wrong Anonymous?"
>You just shake your head, not wanting any more ponies to know about what just happened.
"I'm just... not feeling too well."
>Pinkie smiled
"Is it because you **** Twilight?"
>You feel like you just got punched in the brain, jaw, and gut all at the same time
>You know those words don't have the same meaning here as they would back where you come from, but the conditioned response is still very strong with you.
"**** Pinkie, she told you too?"
>Pinkie nods
"Yep. And then I told-"
>You ball your fists
"You TOLD other people!"
>Pinkie backs off a little
"Uhh- Sorry..."
>You shake your head, calming down.
"No.. No it's fine. Whatever. I'll have to deal with this later."

>Pinkie perks up
"Hey, want to come to the icecream shop? Rainbow Dash is there, she wanted to talk to you. She also said she'll buy you a milkshake if you come by and talk to her!"
>You're confused, why the **** does she want to talk to you
>And why is Pinkie telling you?
>You look down at Pinkie
"Wait, why are you telling me?"
>Pinkie Pie smiles
"Well, she said if I asked you and you refused, she would give the free milkshake to me!"
>You roll your eyes, smiling
>Typical Pinkie
>You then make your way up to the ice-cream parlor
>Within, you see Rainbow Dash
>You sit next to her
>She perks up when she sees you
"Oh hey Anon!"
>You nod
"Hi Rainbow. What did you want to talk about?"
>She shakes her head
"Here, drink the milkshake, I just want to talk to my good friend and share some delicious milkshake."
>You smile, thanking her, and begin to sip the milkshake through the straw. It's really **** good
>You are still wondering what's going on
>She never called you a "Good Friend" before

>Rainbow Dash and you drank your milkshakes down, and she turned to look at you
>She gave you this real nice half-closed eye look, like bedroom eyes.
>Just before you were about to ask her what she was doing, she suddenly let out a loud belch and then giggled
>You laughed, and Rainbow punched you in the shoulder
>She seemed like a total bro
>Rainbow then gets up, and waves you over, before the two of you walk outside
>You and her laugh and pal around until you reach her house, you both alone in the plains outside P0nyville.
>Rainbow looks up at you with a smile, and she seems to blush
"I-I had a really good time today Anon."
>You return the smile, thinking that this p0ny might just be romantically interested in you
"No problem Rainbow. Thanks for the milkshake, I owe you."
>Rainbow seemed to perk up at that
"Well, if you own me, can I collect right now?"
>You raise an eyebrow
"Well, I don't really have many bits on me so-"
>Rainbow steps closer, her wings poking to the sides in a wing-boner
"No, not money." she says in a husky voice
>She steps closer, and then rubs her face on your leg sorta like a cat, before looking up at you with a sly smile
"Woah Rainbow! I'm not sure if I'm ready for this sort of thing! We've barely just met!"
>She frowns
"B-But you did it with Twilight!"
>Oh god

>You take a step back, looking disgusted
>Rainbow looks shocked at first, then hurt, then mad
"Come on! I can take it! **** me Anon!"
>God **** dammit.
"Rainbow! How do you even know about that? Why do you want it to be ****? You're not supposed to like it or ask for it!"
>She looks mad, narrowing her eyes at you
"Oh, so that's it then? You think a bony pegasus can't handle what a unicorn can handle? Well in that case, I bet you **** Applejack and Pinkie all the time then, being big strong Earth ponies and all."
>You facepalm, this **** is ridiculous
"Why do you want me to **** you, Rainbow Dash?" You ask in a low, defeated voice.
>Rainbow Dash seems to stop snarling and growling, but her scowl remained
"Because! I am a world class athlete! I am the only pony who can make a Sonic Rainboom. If Twilight can survive just an ordeal like that, then I'm sure I can too."
>You shake your head
>Then look right at her, dead in the eye
"Wait, how do you know-"
>Rainbow Blushed a little, while still scowling. It looked cute actually.
"Well, Twilight told me a few more details."
>You need to have a chat with Twilight later

>You sigh, looking down and defeated
>Rainbow Dash seems to lose some of her edge
"Come on Anon, I can handle it, really!"
>You look her in the face, obviously not joking around
"That's not why I don't want too, Rainbow."
>She growls at you, wings flaring
"Oh, so you don't want to give me the honor of your dick, huh? You'd like to keep this accomplishment away from the champion, huh!?"
>You roll your eyes, looking away as you speak
"That's not what I-"
>You turn back to her just as you see her blur as she pounces on you
>In seconds, you're down on the ground and fighting with her
>She is kicking you with her hooves while biting at your clothing, trying to get it off, but she is also biting you a few times in the process
>You don't want to hit her back, one wrong hit might break her wings for life, and you don't want to be the cause of that, even if it is in self defense
>You reach and feel up her sides, making her slow down for a second, and in that second you grab the base of both her wings
>Her whole body freezes, she inhales sharply and looks down at you with big, pleading eyes
"Anon wh-what are you doing?"
>You frown at her
"I'm going to **** you."
>She smiles and nods, but she still looks concerned
"P-Please let go of my wings. Please."
>You let go, and she steps off, folding her wings up against her body
>She stands there, looking at you sit on the ground
>You shrug
"Do something that makes you... ****-able?"
>Rainbow Dash thinks for a second

>Rainbow Dash looks up at you
"Wait a minute, what am I doing with you Anon? I was going to try and beat Twilight at being the best **** victim. But instead..."
>She gets an evil grin
"...I'll try to become the best rapist."
>You suddenly stand up, and start to run
>She has already smashed into your back, holding you down, and then flipping you over
>She is very lightweight, and you could probably overpower her, but she stomps her hooves on your upper arms to pin you down
"Now now Anon, you're going to enjoy your raping!"
>He actually felt like he was being **** here
>He also started to get a boner
>Rainbow Dash licked her lips and used a hind hoof to rub his crotch gently, arousing him
>He felt his member stiffen in record speed, this was really turning him on
>Rainbow then pressed down on Anon again
"Don't you dare try and run, or else I will pleasure you even more!'
>You don't think she understands what a "rapist" really is
>You'd better not remind her, just in case her competitive nature starts giving her thoughts to shove her hoof in your ass or something
>Rainbow takes her hooves off your arms and bites your zipper, slowly opening your pants

>Rainbow grins maniacally at you
"Oh yeah, you're going to enjoy this so much!"
>you resist the urge to lol
>She does rub your **** some more, and you feel it get even harder
>It also feels really good, more then you think it should
>Why the **** where you digging this so much?
>Rainbow finally pulls down your underwear, and your boner rockets up
>holy ****
>It's like an inch and a half bigger than you normally are
>Her eyes go wide when she sees it, her wings rising, and her mouth open
>You think you see her drool a little bit
>oh my
>Rainbow climbs atop you
"Prepare to get ****, Anon!"
>You just lay back, chilling
>You suddenly feel the need to bust your nut real bad, so you're glad Rainbow is going to take you for a spin
>She positions her wet marehood over your throbbing apendage
>You start to feel bad, like in pain, you needed to be inside something right now
>Rainbow touches the head of your dick with her **** lips, moaning a little
>she move and down, but with just tip
>This did nothing except frustrate you more
>You reach up and grab her thighs roughly
>Time to teach this **** a lesson.

>You grab Rainbow roughly and force her under you, your body quickly dominating hers with your sheer size and strength
>Her wings are folded out across the ground, so you'll be a little more gentle
>As you push inside her, you realize you won't be any more gentle
>In fact you'll be much, much harder
>Your dick is screaming at you with pleasure, it's bright red and so ****
>you feel very ****, you need to blow your load in this ****
>You might end up actually raping her
>Though you are already inside of her
>You thrust all the way in, you can feel her body breathing around your fat and long dick, pulsating inside her
>She is panting
"An-Anon I wa-wanted t-to r-**** yo-"
>You don't even let her finish as you pull back and slam into her
>She screams, not sure if pleasure or in pain
>You **** her again and again, thrusting in and out
>Rainbow is pretty tight, though you realize not as tight as Twilight
>Must be how flexible she is
>You know remember Rainbow is flexible as ****
>This gives you and idea

>You pull Rainbow towards you, probably with more force then needed, then you start to stand up, with her gripping the floor for balance as you start to pump into her again
>Soon, she is on the ground, her head under your legs, as you are **** her **** right above
>You feel like you're about to cum buckets and buckets
>You feel Rainbow shudder beneath you, probably a maregasm
>You finally shoot, sending off your little soldiers deep inside Rainbow's territory
>After you shoot for a second or two you let go, and let Rainbow collapse
>You then grab your **** and aim down, spraying it all over her lower back, chest, face and hair
>Even some on the wings
>Rainbow is moaning, you feel so good
>You stand there, breathing hard
>Rainbow slowly staggers up, her feet are shaky
"Th-That was a great ****, Anon."

>You nod at her, not able to really talk.
>You feel almost lightheaded
>You also realize that your boner is still at full strength
>What the **** was wrong with you
>She looks up, and her eyes widen
"Uh oh."
>You look down at her
"What's wrong? Do you know why it's not going down?"
>Rainbow looks away from your, her body still coated in a decent amount of cum
"Uh oh- oh no no no no."
>You realize Rainbow knows more then she lets on
"What's going on! What did you do!?"
>Rainbow looks up
"Anon I- I put a drug that makes stallions hornier in your milkshake before you got there. It's just "Stallion Stiff", it's not serious! This shouldn't have happened."
>You feel your boner throb again, but you don't feel like you need any release, it's just throbbing because it feels like **** your day
"Rainbow! I'm not a stallion! I could get hurt from something like this!"
>Rainbow looks really scared and sad
"I'm sorry Anon! I'm sorry! I just wanted to get ****, so I spiked your drink! I didn't know this would happen! I'm sorry!"
>You shake your head
"Just help me get to the hospital"

>Rainbow helps you along the way as you walk through p0nyville with a massive ****
>It had grown another inch, and even more sensitive
>The wind itself made you wince in pain, there was no way you were putting your pants back on, if you even could
>Rainbow flies ahead, telling people to look away and to shield the eyes of kids as you try your best to shield your disgustingly dark-red **** from everyone
>This is bad, really bad.
>You realize this looked bad too, what with Rainbow still covered in your thick monkey cum
>But you soon reach the hospital, and walk inside
>The nurses are freaking out, and you are put on stretcher and wheeled around the hospital, going to the emergency room
>Once inside, the doctors are hurriedly saying that you needed to be relaxed and put under, so soon a p0ny puts a mask on your face and you fall asleep.

>You eventually wake up, it's night outside
>You notice that, at first, your dick feels really, really bad
>Like it was stretched too far
>You throw your head back to howl in pain, but find that you suddenly didn't feel it
>You see a purple glow around your crotch through the blankets you are in
>Looking to your right, you see Twilight standing there with a very sad looking Rainbow Dash
"Twilight! And... Rainbow Dash."
>Rainbow Dash frowns, looking guilty
"I brought you some flowers and some chocolates!"
>You raise an eyebrow and smile a bit
"I'm not sure if I'll eat anything you try to give me again."
>Rainbow Dash looks horrified
"No Anon! It's not like that again! I'm really sorry! Really really-"
>You chuckle, flicking your hand
"I was just kidding Rainbow. Oh and, thanks for the pain relief spell Twilight."
>Twilight smiles at you, before the glow disappears
>You wince as a tiny bit of pain returns, but you can mostly ignore it
"There you go Anon. Being tended to by your poor **** victims."
>You smile
"More like rapists."
>Twilight giggles
"Well, you did... you know... **** us both."
>You smile, you like hearing Twilight swear

>Rainbow Dash smiles, and you realize it was one of those competitive smiles she puts on sometimes.
"Yeah, he did **** both of us. But his dick was bigger when he was in me."
>Oh god, why would you that, Rainbow?
>Rainbow and Twilight start to argue
"Only because you poisoned him!"
"Look I'm sorry about that, but that's not the important part. The important thing is is that I was **** by a bigger ****! This proves I'm the best **** victim!"
>Twilight yells back
"Yeah well, I'm was really tight like a virgin, so it felt better when he ravished me! I've read it in some of Anon's books he gave me; rapists love virgins!"
>oh god, was that really in one of the books you gave her?

>You've had enough
"Enough! Both of you! Quit arguing, you aren't helping me at all right now!"
>They both shut it
>Rainbow Dash looks down, as she was the one who started it as well as your health problem
"I-I'm sorry Anon."
>You feel bad for her, so you don't want to see her sad
"It's ok Rainbow. I forgive you."
>Rainbow smiles at you, her wings coming out in happiness, when she remembers something
"Oh! Hey Anon, I brought something for you to read!"
>She brings out three books, each with 'Daring Doo' on the cover.
"The first three of the series."
>Twilight looks impressed, but says nothing
>Rainbow displays them to you, then sits them on your chest
>You turn your head to say something witty, when suddenly one of the books begins to slide backwards...
>...And land right on your dick
>Rainbow Dash flies above you and hovers over while Twilight moves the books and does her anti-pain spell again
"I'm sorry Anon! I'm so sorry!"
>You grimace
"It's alright! Just let me sleep already!"
>Rainbow and Twilight soon leave, and you wave them a happy goodbye.
>You look over at the note the doctor left
>It said you had about a week until you could leave. And after that, absolutely not boners for at least another week.
>You sigh, and look over at the books
"Well, might as well get started..."

Extremely Lewd Horse Noises says: >Be some semi-intelligent Anon.
>you have a speech skill of 80 and charisma of 7, and a unarmed of 100 and strength of 10.
>Day 482 in Equestria.
>You have been able to smooth talk most of the ponies into giving you things you need to live here.
>You got muffins for life from Derpy, a job from Applejack, a place to reside from the Mayor.
>You also mugged the diamond dogs for about... 6000 Bits.
>It's about 8PM, when you see your bro, Rainbow Dash.
>"Hey Anon, what's up?"
"Nuffin but 'dis muffin."
>You swear you're addicted to muffins.
>She rolls her eyes. "Oh, haha. I was wondering if you wanted to go to the bar.. But I can see you're busy with the muffins."
"Heh, you kidding? I can always go for some drinks with my main bro!"
>When you say bro, she winces.
>Something's nagging at you, so you decide to try to have her .
"Something the matter...?"
>"N-No it's nothing"
"I can see that something is displeasing you. You winced when I called you bro. You’ve been doing it for about 2 months now..."
>"It's fine. It's nothing, really."
> Shrugging, you decide to try again later when you're both drunk off your asses.
>With the power of lazy writing you both are drunk off your asses, walking back to your place.
>Somehow, when you're drunk, you gain a +30 in your speech skill.
"So...*hic* bro, what was that about earlier..?"
"Ya know, when I asked you*hic* bout that flinch after the word bro."
>She looks like she's thinking, then she talks.
>"It's just, why am I your 'Bro'? Why can't I be more than that?"
"Wha... what ya mean? Like a super bro or something?"
>"No," Dash says, walking ahead of you. "More than that.
>Her already unstable walking is made even more unstable.
>Her tail is lifted up into the air, giving you full view of her nethers.
>You swear you saw a dynamic entry point there, cause your intellect just dropped to zero.
"Super Ultra Mega Bro, with benefits?"
>She stops in place and looks at you.
>You shrug "err... friends with benefits?"
>The hell is coming out of your drunk mouth? You're talking to a horse.
>A sexy... amazing... *weird slurping noise*
>No, bad drunk brain!
>But you wants it... You needs it....
>Shaking your head, you hear RD speaking to you. "Whazzat mean?"
"Iz like we're dating... But not unofficially."
>That's not even CLOSE to the right answer. Why are you doing this brain!?
>You're the one who drank a barrel of hard cider.
>Iz not my fault pony booze is weak!
>Before you could go back to arguing with yourself, you hear RD talk again. "Like a trial period?"
"Ya, if iz dun work out, we can just be friends again."
>Why are you still talking? Everything that's coming from your mouth is wrong.
>Because you wanna give this a shot. Rainbow has been here for you, through thick and thin.
>She has saved you, almost as much as you saved her.
>Well, in different ways of course.
>You've saved her by talking her out of stupid stunts
>She has saved you by helping you rebuild your house after the Diamond Dogs destroyed it.
>Three times.
>You had to use all the bots you took from them and then some to rebuild it.
>You stew in your thoughts, before getting knocked out of them by a door.
>That you ran into.
>It's attached to your house...
>You hear RD laughing her drunk ass off behind you, as you grumble to yourself.
>You reach into your pocket, and unlock the door.
"It wasn't THAT funny..."
>She drunkenly walks into the house. "Yeah it was."
>In your drunken mind, you recall something.
>Something about Pegasus wings and how they're incredibly sensitive to touch.
>You lurch forward, and even with your sneak of 5, you somehow manage to get behind her without her noticing.
>you quickly tackle her, and pin her to the ground.

>Her wings are splayed out, and you move your hands to her right wing.
>"A-anon! What are you-"
>She lets out a moan as soon as you start massaging her wing.
>You feel your pant leg get damp, as her crotch starts to leak fluids.
>you start to lower one hand to her crotch.
>You stop when you feel a mass, just above her marehood.
>They're small, but you immediately know what they are.
>You grope one, and not but a few seconds later she starts shuddering.
>Was it that good for her?
>That damp feeling on your leg? It turned into a feeling of sticking your leg in a river.
>She was gushing out juices like a damned faucet.
>Then your drunk ass noticed one more thing.
>It's been there for a while, trying to say hi, and making a tent in your pants.
>It seems Rainbow noticed Lil Anon Jr. too, "A..anon? I don't want to leave you hanging..."
>You don't even recall why you were doing this in the first place, or your morals for that matter.
>You drunkenly pick her up and carry her to your room.
>Orr... bathroom it seems...
>Not really caring, you kick off your shoes and undo your soaked pants.
>All with one hand.
>The other hand is holding Rainbow under the flank as you two kiss.
>You stumble over your discarded pants, and over to the tub.
>Somehow, without falling over, you manage to get in the tub.
>Now you know why you got into the bathroom.
>You like your bed not full of marejuices.
>Or puke, knowing how much you both drank.
>No ones done that yet, thank god.
>In the tub, Rainbow attempts to stand up, but lost her footing and falls marehood first, on your fully erect member.
>Dash squeaks out in pain, and stays there, rigid and unmoving.
>You can feel her marehood squeezing your member; tightness that of a virgin.
>She soon, though, starts to move. You can see some tears building in her eyes.
>Her mouth quivered a bit, and she loosed a quiet whimper.
>You decide to see if you could help her with her pain.
>You lean forward, and put your hand behind her head, pulling her towards yours.
>You lock lips with her, and move your left hand down to her now fully extended wings.
>Toying with the tip of her left wing, you hear her groans of pain subside little by little.
>Dash's squeals of pain seemed to have melded into moans as she shakes her hips, grinding into you.
>She pushes away from the kiss and lets out a small groan.
"You're not hurting, are you?" you ask, still concerned about how she initially reacted.
>"N-no. *pant* I... it sorta feels nice," Dash says, moving her hips side to side, wincing from her actions. "I kinda... like it."
>You were not expecting that at all. She must really like it rough, you think.
>In your drunken stupor, you push your head back up and lock lips once more with her.
>She doesn't squander around, shoving back with equal force into the sloppy kiss.
>You bring your hands down, roughly slapping her flanks on either side. She lets out a moan in your mouth, not once deterring from the kiss.
>You slap her flank once more, harder than before and elicit a loud groan from her.
>The kiss the two of you shared had gotten extremely fervent as your tongues danced in one another's mouths.
>Dash started to move herself up and down on you with some trouble due to her tightness.
>Roaming your hands on her bottom, you reach down and find where the two of you are intimately bonded.
>You lightly start to squeeze around, probing your fingers around her bottom. Little squeals from Dash are what you get in return.
>As you squeezed around, you felt another opening back here. You forget what it's called, but it had something to do with a mares sexual... stuff.
>****, too hard to think right now. And **** this as well, it's getting played with too.
>Taking your fingers, you spread alongside the area, forcing a long moan from Dash.
>Her movements on you have sped up, shoving harder into you.
>Feeling for the right time in her hole, just as it was opening, you shove a finger inside.
>Dash shoves hard against you from the action, taking you fully into her.
>She lifts her head from the kiss, panting hard for air.
>You feel your crotch drown in marejucies, as her maregasm went full blast.
>The entire lower half of your body was now soaking wet. It helped you were currently in the tub.
>Her shuttering soon subsided, and she focused her eyes on you.
>There's a slight look of awe in them. "Y-you're still hard." she mutters out.
>You could see a smile start to creep across her face. The new look in her eyes scares you a little...
>"Let's move..."
"What, out of the tub?"
>"I mean a new position... I wanna be on all fours. And if you even think of pulling out while moving, you'll regret it."
>This new request scares you a little, especially the last bit.
>You think on just how to accomplish this. Suddenly, a thought pops up in your drunk head.
>A smile creeps across your face, forcing Dash to drop her smile.
>"A-anon?" she questions, unsure of what you mean to do.
>You immediately grab her body and hold her close to you.
>With a mighty hop, you jump on top of the tubs side, inciting you to roll over and fall on Dash.
>You hilt yourself deep inside her, your entire weight now on the mare.
>Dash winces from the pain, but you could see a smile planted on her face.
>She must have enjoyed that more than you thought, the dirty mare.
>Pulling Dash close up to your crotch, you lift her body and move her on the side.
>Now this next part was gonna be tricky in your stupor.
>You start to move around, lifting her backside up when you needed to, rotating yourself until you were lying on her back.
>It took a while, but you somehow managed. You felt like you needed a reward or something for accomplishing that ****.
>Oh wait, here's your reward! Dash was still forced on the ground with her stomach flat up against it.
>You had to lean over just to make sure you kept in her.
>Dash begins to struggle up, but with your help she's soon on all fours with a pleased look on her face.
>"Now I want you to thrust me as hard as you can!"
>Now you see why she had you turn.
>She wasn't able to move that well due to the tightness of her marehood.
>You pull out until the tip is barely in her marehood., and hear her groan out a mixture of pleasure and pain.
>With all of your might, you plunger your member deep inside of her.
>Dash lets out a loud moan bordering on yelling. You hoped your neighbors were asleep.
>Wait, **** that ****! You hoped they woke up hearing your awesome skills in action!
>Pulling your member back out, you slam it back into her with the same force you used before.
>Dash squeals this time, making you smirk. You wanted to hear more of her squealing.
>That's the thing with being drunk. You have a tendency of forgetting some of the good bits.
>You recalled you were going at her for all hours into the night, and in many different positions.
>As your memory started working over the nights events, you find yourself lying on the ground in the bathroom floor.
>Dash was currently lying on top of you, fast asleep while holding either side of you.
>Feeling around, you could feel your member was still in her. You were surprised at that.
>You hear a groan from Dash as she shoves her head into your chest.
>"What the buck happened last night...?"
>She moves a little bit, and recalls a little of what happened, cause, well. Your dick was still in her.
>She turns three shades of red, and pulls of of you.
>"I..I... Ohmygod..."
>You grab her head, and pull her into your chest.
"What I remember of last night, was amazing..."
>She pushes away from your chest with a hoof, and looks into your eyes.
>She looks for a long moment, and closes in on you face, and pecks your lips with a kiss.
>"Same here...."
>You wrap your arms around her and hug her.
>The hug last for a while, until you look around the bathroom.
>It looks like Katrina passed through here.
>The floor is almost flooded with...
>You take some in your hand, and taste it.
>... This **** tastes like Skittles.
>You pull away from dash, and flip her upside down.
>"Hey, wha-" You take a long lick along her marehood, and she quiets up.
>Tastes like **** skittles.
"Dash, I **** love you."
>You look down to her face, and see her blush, " too, I love you too."


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pew sucks / Re: tbh™

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Quote from: HealingTech on

nice try

hi dale18


pew sucks / Re: tbh™

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this forum is now a lot better tbh

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