Read Her Relentless Russian (Karev Brothers Book 3) by Leslie North online for free (2024)

Her Relentless Russian


Leslie North


The Karev Brothers Series

Her Relentless Russian


Mailing List

1. Dmitry

2. Harper

3. Dmitry

4. Harper

5. Dmitry

6. Harper

7. Dmitry


End of Her Relentless Russian

Thank You!

Sneak Peek

The Karev Brothers Series

Her Ruthless Russian

Her Rogue Russian

Her Relentless Russian

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales, is entirely coincidental.


Copyright © 2016 Relay Publishing Ltd.

All rights reserved. Published in the United Kingdom by Relay Publishing.

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Cover Design by LJ Anderson of Mayhem Cover Creations

The Karev Brothers Series

Book Three

Leslie North


Rare bookstore owner Dmitry Karev left the Russian Mafia behind when his wife died, but there’s too much at stake to keep his back turned any longer. His father is dead and his brothers may be next. Someone’s been leaving Dmitry clues about the killer, but he never expected his informant to be a bombshell like Harper Allen. Now the curvy computer expert is testing not only Dmitry’s methodical nature, but his self-restraint as well. But with his family’s lives in the balance, Harper may be the best chance Dmitry’s got to catch a killer.

When hacker Harper Allen’s parents used her college money to pay off the Mafia, it was Sergey Karev who financed her education. Now that he’s been murdered, she’s repaying him the only way she can…by helping his son solve the crime. To follow the trail any further, though, she’ll have to convince Dmitry to work with her. The buttoned-up Russian seems hesitant at first, but it doesn’t take long for Harper to discover what’s beneath Dmitry’s icy cool demeanor.

As Harper and Dmitry worm their way deeper into the Russian Mafia, their chemistry becomes undeniable. But with a killer at their heels, they’ll have to stay focused if they want to stay alive.

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(The Karev Brothers Series Book Three)

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The balmy August sun was out in full force that morning, bold against a clear blue sky devoid of clouds. Dmitry Karev hitched his laptop bag further up his shoulder and checked his phone as he crossed the street from the bookstore. He pulled up the weather app to assure himself once more that he wouldn't be in for any unforeseen shifts in the weather. He disliked sudden, unexpected changes...

Which was why he didn’t know what he was doing walking across the street that morning. He patronized the coffee shop across from his store every morning at seven, exactly one hour after they opened, but two visits in one morning was a significant break from his routine.

He passed by the lone occupant of the café's outdoor table without a single glance her way. He pushed through the front door.

Déjà Brew didn't have the best coffee in town, but each shot was pulled on an automatic timer, and each pot and French press brewed with the same coffee-to-water ratio—making every drink a lightly-burned, mediocre exercise in sensory recall from the morning previous. Regardless of the quality, it was a convenient stop for him, and not without its charms. The heady roasted smell that perfumed the air, the rumble of the coffee grinder, the hiss of milk swirling and steaming in the pitcher—the two female baristas who clapped eyes on him above the espresso machine and immediately ducked down to put their heads together—none of it could distract Dmitry Karev from his new morning objective, however.

"Back again, Dmitry?" One of the girls quickly sidestepped out from behind the machine to meet him at the register.

Dmitry smiled in polite agreement. "The usual, Sarah. Thanks."

"We were just talking about you, you know," Sarah mentioned offhand as she rang him up for an Americano. Dmitry didn't rise to the bait. He knew a second visit from him alone would give the two girls enough to talk about for the remainder of their shift—probably they would speculate on which one of them he had taken a liking to.

He paid, dropped an impulsive wink toward the two of them, and exited the café amid gales of their delighted, disbelieving laughter. He was feeling generous with his affections today, and he was going to need more than a second cup of coffee as a warmup for what he was about to attempt.

Dmitry's morning objective came in the form of the woman sitting outside Déjà Brew. He hated to embody the male hunter cliché, but the cliché existed for a reason. His reason for leaving his multitudinous stacks of dusty old books and unpacked online orders behind him in the shop was currently perched behind her own laptop outdoors, in clear view of the bookstore's front desk.

He had noticed her presence across the street about a week ago. She appeared to be a regular now, and she regularly disrupted his concentration when she set herself up to work outside. Today, the woman's hair was a wildly-textured bubblegum-pink, as freshly dyed as that morning from the looks of it. She changed hair styles as easily as other women changed their wardrobe or shoes, but it was the curvaceous beauty that existed beneath the rainbow mane that Dmitry always recognized on sight. She was full-mouthed, ivory-skinned, and sensuously proportioned. She looked as if she had walked right out of the panels of a superhero comic strip illustrated by optimistic twenty-something college boys.

She was a creature unlike anything Dmitry had ever seen before, and he was determined to get a closer look today.

The bell chimed as he exited the coffeehouse to put his plan into action. He moved around the side of the table and eased his bag onto the bench. "This seat taken?" he asked the woman. He winced inwardly at himself, but kept his expression perfectly cool and neutral. He had primed himself to say nothing, to just set up and go back in for his drink—why did those have to be his first words to her?

Oh well, at least the ice was broken. The woman glanced up at him from beneath a pair of dark, sultry lashes, her surprise at being approached evident on her face. He felt certain the eyelashes must be false, but he would need a closer examination to confirm his theory. If anything, the realization that she might take additional time to make herself up in the morning was an unexpected turn-on for him. She had an unusual, striking look that she appeared hell-bent on owning.

"It is now," she replied with a little smile.

It took Dmitry a split second longer than it probably should have to realize what she meant. He nodded in curt, wordless thanks, and unsheathed his la
ptop. He sat down on the bench opposite her and booted it up. He was conscious of her eyes on him. The little quirk in her lips remained, and he thought she was amused by his approach. Maybe he wasn't alone in having taken an interest in her.

Dmitry raised his eyes from his computer screen and met hers. She arched one slender eyebrow at him from beneath her slanted bangs, but said nothing. Dmitry rose from his seat and headed back inside to fetch his drink. Hardly anything at all had passed between them, but he was already confident he would leave the coffee shop that day with her phone number. The look she had given him was significant: obviously, the woman found him as attractive as the two baristas giggling behind the bar.

His brothers would have no doubt accused him of reading too much into the exchange with the rainbow vixen—and of spending too much time holed up with his books—but Dmitry liked to think that made him uncommonly prepared to engage in this sort of thing. The other Karevs preferred to bust their way heathen-like into situations; they approached romance with the fairer sex like a boxing match, where physical strength and domination won the day. Dmitry liked to think he was more nuanced, more thoughtful, in his own approach to flirting.

Yes, he liked to think that.

The family genes won out as Dmitry turned away from the milk bar. He froze, and only barely managed to keep his fist from clenching over the Styrofoam cup as he stared out the window toward the patio. He couldn't believe what he was witnessing. Hastily, he tried to recalibrate, tried to unsee what was happening… but there was no denying the pink-haired temptation had pulled his laptop across the table to her.

Maybe there was a perfectly solid explanation for her being on his computer, Dmitry reasoned as he strode back toward the exit and banged the door open. Maybe she was only pulling up a word document to surprise him with her name and phone number—for someone as bold-looking as she was, he shouldn't be surprised to find her making the first move.

Her stricken, heart-shaped face, turned up to him in terror the instant he loomed over her, was enough to let him know he was reaching too far for an excuse to clear her.

Dmitry's eyes flickered from her guilty expression to the laptop. There was an unfamiliar USB drive jammed into the port, and a window open on the screen with a fast-filling download bar.

He slammed the laptop closed; the woman only barely managed to yank her hands back in time to avoid having her fingers bruised. She didn't utter a single sound or word of explanation, not even when Dmitry snatched up both their computers and hauled her up by the arm.

He was furious—more with himself than with the woman. How could he have left his records, and his family, so carelessly unguarded? How could he assume that her sudden, frequent appearances across from his bookstore were anything bordering on innocent?

Still, he had let himself hope…

"You're not going to scream, or call for help. In fact, I don't want you to make a sound," he commanded her in a severe whisper. He jerked her closer, and the woman came unresisting, head bent in defeat. "You're going to walk across the street with me, and we're going inside the bookstore. I'm not going to hurt you."

He hadn't intended to make that promise, but he couldn't help himself. Even now, with his fingers clenched over her arm and the molten fury coursing through his veins, he wanted to believe he was overreacting.

But she came with him. Stood without a word, exactly as instructed, and let herself be hauled off the coffee shop patio and out into the street. Dmitry dropped his hand down the lean line of her back, pressing the space above her curvaceous backside to let her know that if she ran, it was in his power to keep her.

He felt a splash of water on the back of his neck, distracting him from the placement of his hand, and he took his eyes off his hostage only long enough to squint up at the sky overhead. Dark gray clouds boiled across the face of the sun, eclipsing it from view. Raindrops darkened the pavement all around them as Dmitry unlocked his store and yanked the door open.

Absolutely nothing about this day was turning out the way he hoped it would.



On the bright side, getting hustled across the street and pulled bodily indoors meant the fresh color in her hair wouldn't run.

Harper Allen knew she was in deep sh*t, and there was no one but herself to blame for it. Who in their right mind would risk physically downloading the data intended for Dmitry Karev to his computer, with the man himself standing only a few feet away? Maybe the pink hair dye had leeched into her brain and completely messed with her instinct for self-preservation.

She still thought she could have finished the job if he hadn't looked her way. Not that she could blame him—she had dressed up for the express purpose of gaining attention today—and secretly hoped all along it would be the bookstore owner's—but she had really outdone herself this time in every respect.

She had gotten too co*cky, and now she was going to pay for it.

Dmitry shot the lock in the door behind them, then dragged her with him as he crossed to his desk and tossed both of their computers down, making space by sweeping books onto the floor.

"Easy!" Harper exclaimed. She winced a little as he rounded on her.

Dmitry Karev was the middle of Sergey's three sons. He resembled his youngest brother, Vlad, with his piercing blue eyes and blond hair; unlike Vlad, Dmitry made at least a concerted effort to be fashion forward. Where his brothers dressed in cool shades of slate and black, Dmitry favored more conservative earth tones. He wore his beard as close-cropped as the hair that dusted his temples, culminating in a longer stretch on top that he wore knotted up in a bun at the back of his skull. 'Wolf tail,' Harper had heard it referred to. She was a woman who frequented trendy salons herself.

He looked like the professorial wet dream of every female student who had ever graced the hallowed halls of a higher education building. If there had been a professor who looked like Dmitry Karev, Harper reflected, perhaps she would have stuck with college rather than dropping out her first year.

"Whatever you managed to download onto my laptop, I want it off," Dmitry snapped.

Harper arched an eyebrow. "You sure about that?"

Dmitry blinked.

"No, you aren't sure," she answered for him, "because you still haven't asked me whether or not I am who you think I am, but you suspect the hell out of it. I'll spoil you now and let you know that you're right in your suspicion." She reached out to fiddle with a framed picture on Dmitry's desk until he pulled it away from her. "All you need to do is boot up your laptop and you'll find your answer. I've placed all the most recently hacked info—well, what I managed to download before you stopped me, anyway—smackdab in the middle of your desktop. You even have a little folder dedicated to organizing all the information I've been sending you for months." She grinned. "I thought it was kind of sweet."

Dmitry was watching her cautiously now. She knew it was on the tip of his tongue to say the name, to finally give the digital phantom who had been funneling him information these past several months a tangible form.

"Who are you?" he asked her finally.

"You know me by my handle." Harper shrugged, feeling only a little disappointed that he wouldn't say it outright. "That's enough, honestly."


Harper snapped her fingers and threw an approving wink his way. "Bingo."

Dmitry still looked unconvinced. "The fact that you had your hands on my computer, and just happen to know the handle of the hacker I've been in contact with for months, doesn't prove a damn thing. Anyway, I thought you were—"

"What? A male hacker, maybe?" Harper was thoroughly enjoying this exchange. She knew she shouldn't be.

Dmitry scowled. "I didn't say that. Whoever you were, I thought you'd be older. I thought you wouldn't be so—"

"Lively? Gorgeous? Ample-chested?"

"Reckless. If you are who you claim to be, you had no way of knowing how I would react to finding out your real identity." Dmitry snatched a spare s
tool from behind his desk and spun it around front, clearly commanding her to take a seat. "And you've done absolutely nothing so far to convince me why I should trust you. Give me one good reason I shouldn't call the Feds on you this instant. And don't think for a second that I wouldn't—I've got one practically on speed dial."

"Savannah Casillero," Harper said, affecting her best bored tone of voice and ignoring the stool pointblank. Dmitry withdrew a little in surprise. "The only competent agent operating out of the Blood Diamond Task Force. She's currently dating your older brother, Maxim. You think she might only be using him for his old mafia connection and you're not sure if you approve. I didn't get that last little detail from pulling up any files online, by the way. I just guessed. That's the thing about us female hackers—we have a little built-in tool at our disposal called feminine intuition."

"I approve of anything that brings either of my brothers happiness," Dmitry replied coldly. "Why don't you sit down?"

"You're a family-oriented guy, Dmitry. You're loyal," Harper continued as she moved off into the store. She heard the desk chair scrape behind her as Dmitry rose to follow, and she masked a little smile to herself. Who said the cat-and-mouse pursuit between them had to end with the exposure of her identity? "I can appreciate that. In fact, it's a character trait I find to be incredibly attractive."

She accidentally interrupted her own cool monologue by brushing too close to one of the shelves. She heard several books tumble out of their carefully-filed system behind her, and Dmitry swore. Harper stifled the urge to stop and help him reorganize as she moved off again. She had to keep the momentum going.

Read Her Relentless Russian (Karev Brothers Book 3) by Leslie North online for free (2024)


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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Author information

Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.